CH- 4: Bad memories and a deery situation

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TW: Truma flashbacks and strong languages. Though Angel being here means there's gonna strong language every chapter.

'Wait you guys?!? What the fuck happened? please tell me I'm just hallucinating from my drinks!'Angel practically screamed as he frantically looked around at the animals around him which sounded like his friends. Charlie looked at Angel sympathetically. Angel was now a white furry spider with a big pink heart on his back with two of his big mismatched eyes and six small pink eyes.'Clam down angel, we'll explain everything' Charlie said, preparing to tell the tale of her mistake again.

Angel's mind was practically blown after he heard Charlie's story. 'What the fuck do we do now?? I was just wondering where the hell everyone went since the hotel was feeling empty. I never imagined get sucked in a book like this' Angel freaked out more. 'And worse looking like this!'

'Clam down angel.. we'll figure something out.. eventually..' Charlie cringed mentally as she said that since all of this was practically her fault. If she had only listened to Vaggie back then, this wouldn't happen. Meanwhile while they were talking Niffty went around the house looking for something to clean with. This place was rather filthy in her opinion and she wanted to clean it. But she had to find something of her size to clean with. After some searching she came across a small brush perfect for cleaning and she could hold it in her mouth. Cleaning with brush in her mouth was much harder then she imagined, but she was determined to make this place squeaky clean.

Meanwhile you reached the city soon enough, parking your car, you quickly headed to the nearest super market. You finished picking your stuff soon enough. Making sure to get enough dog foods and treats.You bought enough to last a week
since you live alone now and you didn't really want to drive for over an hour total everyday to buy foods. After completing the purchase, you picked up the bags in both hands and headed towards your car. While walking, someone suddenly called you. Looking back you saw some man with shit eating grin checking you up and down. "Hey doll~ need a man's help carrying that many bags?" You internally gagged at his words. But you forced a tight smile on your face. "No, it's quite alright my good sir. These little bags feel nothing to me!" To emphasize your point you pulled the bags higher and twirled around a little. "But I do thank you for your most gracious offer" with a fake smile you turned around and started walking again. The man was quite shocked at your strength. Even he could tell the bags were quite heavy.

While walking, some angry shouts reached your ears. Looking at the source of sound, you noticed it was a couple nearby who were blaming each other for something. You became tensed and uncomfortable at their screaming and started to walk faster. You desperately wanted to drown out their screams as soon as you could before...oh..

'You are a disgrace to our family!'

'You are a bad example for our daughter, we don't want you near her!'

'I really hope you won't turn out to be a disappointment like your mother!'

'You lying bitch! My son did nothing wrong!'

'Can you do anything right?!'

'look at me when I talk!'

Tears strung at your eyes and memories started to storm through your brain. You desperately tried to forget them as much as you can. You really hated screaming or being screamed at. It made you want to rush to a quiet place,and blast music in your ears till those screams were drowned. You bit your cheek and held your tears in. When you reached your car, you quickly put down the bags and just sat on seat, trying to collect yourself and your thoughts. 'alright I can do this, you're a big girl now (y/n) and they aren't here anymore, collect yourself.' you told yourself as you as you started the car and wiped your eyes.

The rest of the journey was going rather smoothly. You were humming alongside your favourite songs playing in the car. You were close to your cabin. You looked down for a second to change a song as no other car was in the road. But when you looked up at the road, suddenly there was a deer, standing right middle on the road, looking straight at your car. Panic took over your mind as you pushed the break as fast as you could. A bad screeching sound was heard as your car stopped meters away from the deer.

It felt like the deer suddenly came into life. Your (e/c) eyes locked with the deer's red eyes for a split second before the deer sprinted away within the forest beside the road. You gripped the steering wheel hard, breathing heavily from what just happened. Your shopping bags were now on the floor of the car. You were sure some of the eggs you bought broke. You just hoped all of them didn't. You ran a hand through your hair, trying to clam yourself down. This day was just going great.

You put the bags up and started driving again. This time, a lot slower then before. You finally reached your home, parking the car, you took out the bags and went in front of the door. You quickly opened the lock of the door, pushing the door inside. "Home,sweet home" you mumbled. The puppy ran straight at you holding your detailing brush..? In her mouth? Crouching, you put the groceries down and picked up the puppy as it let go off the brush and barked at you happily. You were largely unaware of a pair of red eyes watching you from the distance.

Walking inside and closing the door, you noticed your floors looking a lot...cleaner then before. You looked at the fallen brush which now had dirt on it and then at the puppy. "Did you do this darling? Did you clean my room while I was gone?" You only got some small barks in return. Looking ahead you saw the sheep coming out of your room with the moth on its head as usual. You crouched down again, holding the puppy with one hand and extending the other. "Come here little ewe, I need you guys a bit" The sheep somehow understood what you meant as it came into your arms. The moth again flew to your hair. You held both the puppy and the sheep close in a warm hug, feeling today's fatigue slowly fading away.

"Thank you guys.." you mumbled. In reply the sheep nuzzled into your neck a bit more, the puppy licked your cheek a little and the moth buzzed a little on top of your head. You slowly let go off the animals as you stood up. "Welp,there's no use moping around, let's get you some food puppy!" you took the groceries inside and pulled out the dog food. You picked out a bowl and poured some of the food inside and gave it to Niffty. Niffty began to eat as soon as you put down the plate which startled you. "Guess you were really hungry huh?" You said smiling.

You decided to properly sort through the groceries later. For now you choose to just put the perishable foods like meat and milk inside the freeze. You wanted to begin working as soon as you could so you could distract yourself for a bit. You went into your room to change. After changing into more comfortable clothes, you sat on the chair and turned on your laptop. You were an online newspaper editor. It was your job to make sure there are no typos or mistakes and everything was written well. You would change the narrative of some lines to make them appear more 'exciting' to read, without changing the truth of course.

While waiting for your page to load,you absentmindedly looked around your room. ' Hmm..i should probably get some paintings for the wall, it looks rather empty. Oh look there's a big spider on one corner watching me. As for pillows, I should buy some-'


A.N:(Please read) Just wanted to let you guys know, English isn't my first language. So if y'all find any grammatical errors, I'm really sorry. I'll get back to editing again once my exams are over :')

Also our reader is going to be a physically strong girl, not too much, but stronger than average. So yes she has a bit of muscle. It'll be explained later.

Also reader is a big fan of hazbin hotel:). I wasn't sure to make them a fan or not but think of all the fun scenarios of the characters going through your fanfic history and your thirsty posts about them. Wouldn't that be a sight to see ? :)

*Sips tea cutely*

Author out✌️

Word count: 1552 words

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