CH-12: Reactions and new powers

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"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Wake up! It's morning!"


You said groggily as you rubbed your eyes. It's been some time since someone gently nudged you awake like this instead of poking at your sides till it hurt with antlers. This person has a nice voice too. You could get used to waking up to this.

"It's Charlie! C'mon, it's 9 am already. I bribed Alastor to let you sleep a bit longer but I don't think he'll listen to me anymore" Charlie whisper yelled at you as she nudged you harder.

"Fine, fine.. I'm up" you sat up and looked at Charlie with a small smile, grateful for her assistance. Alastor was standing behind her, looking at you with keen eyes. Suddenly a delicious smell hit your nose.

"Mm, something smells niceee"

Charlie chuckled. "That's Vaggie cooking for us. Come join us in the breakfast after freshing up. Others have already been fed"

You nodded as you headed towards your bathroom. After heading to kitchen later, you were greeted with the sight of Vaggie cooking up some sausages and eggs and Charlie helping to set the table.

"Look who finally decided to wake up. Good morning. Go take a sit, your food will be here shortly." Vaggie looked at you with a hand on her hip and another holding the the spatula. "Hopefully you slept well" she said as she moved on to cooking again.

"Slept like a baby thanks to Charlie" you grinned as you looked around the cabin. Angel was sitting on a corner of the kitchen. Niffty, Husk and Cherri were probably outside since the front door was open and you didn't see them anywhere. Sir Pentious slithered up to your lap.

"Hey there buddy, had your breakfast yet?"

You cooed at the Pentious as you pet his head as per habit. Pentious shook his head and hissed happily at you patting him. Suddenly you realised that you were patting a demon and you quickly took back your hand making Pentious whine in disappointment.

"Uh haha.. sorry, forgot you were a demon now and I probably shouldn't do that to you. Since you haven't had breakfast yet, let's eat together okay?"

'No,no miss (Y/n)! I assssure you it's quite alright to pet me. I like- ahem, I enjoy the sssensssation it bringss!'

Of course you didn't understand any of that as you watched Vaggie bring in your food and as well as hers and Charlie's. Your stomach grumbled at the sight before you as you quickly dug in.

Vaggie looked at you eating the food as she and Charlie looked at each other with a smile. You noticed it and thought they were making fun of you .

"What?? I'm hungry! Let a girl eat!"

"Don't mind us, eat to your heart's fill. I have seconds if you'd like" Vaggie said gently as she and Charlie began to eat.

"Don't mind if I do" you happily said as you cut off some big chunks of your sausage and fed it to Pentious on your lap.

You were about to grab a cup of coffee that Vaggie left but as soon as you grabbed it, you winced in pain from your injuries and you let go off the mug above your lap just beside Pentious.

You closed your eyes expecting the hot liquid to burn up your lap. But after some seconds when you didn't feel anything, you opened your eyes to see the cup was floating just a few centimetres above your thighs.

Charlie was panting while extending one of her hands towards you. A faint red glow was connecting her hand with the cup.

Vaggie quickly came towards you as she took the cup and put it down on the table. Charlie let out a exhale as she sat back in her chair and looked at her hand.

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