CH-15: Job hunting (part one)

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You quickly turned your head to see who the hand belonged to. You were faced with a tall, handsome man wearing a suit. His eyes were black slits instead of round.

"Pleasse let the lady go."

The strangers eyes narrowed at the man holding you. When he spoke, you clearly saw he had two large fangs. From his light skin, long black hair and the way he spoke...

You quickly turned your head around as much you could. You saw Cherri peeking out from the bag Niffty was holding and Pentious no where to be found. You quickly put two and two together.

"Who the fuck are you? I'm just teaching this bitch for messing up shirt! Get outta here unless you want some too!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"You little..."

The guy twisted his hand out of his grasp and was about to punch him. But you quickly headbutted him, making him fall. You pushed him on the ground with his back to you and pulled one of his arms to his back holding it and pinning the other on the ground.

The thing happened too fast. Your head was hurting badly. But you kept a firm grip on his wriggling body that was spewing insults after insults at you.

"I ruined your shirt. Focus on me. Try to hurt my friends, and I will break every fucking bone in your body."

You calmly said looking at the man making him go agape. Suddenly Pentious's suit felt too hot for his body. He pulled at the collar to let some air in and gulped.

"I get it! I get it! Let me go you fucking gorilla of a girl!"

"Why you-"

"Alex, Alex where are you? A-"

Suddenly a pair of legs stopped in front of the two of you.

"Well well, what do we have here? Girlie, mind telling me why you're pining my friend to the ground?"

You looked up to see Jake standing in front of you with his arms crossed. His face was painted with confusion? Anger? You couldn't tell clearly.

"Fucking let me go already!"

As you were absentminded, the man, who you assumed was called Alex pushed you away and walked towards to Jake. "Heavy ass bitch.." he muttered while glaring draggers at you.

"So.. could I know what happened?" Jake asked looking at the crowd before him. Especially you.

Pentious helped you stand up again as Vaggie decided to answer him.

"Well your fucking friend here was about to hurt (Y/n) over a fucking strain in his shirt!"

"And she apologized too!" Charlie came forward. Both ladies now glaring draggers at Jake and his friend.

"Is that true Alex?" Jake turned to him, his eyes narrowed. " Did you really hurt my dear neighbour over something like this?"

"What the fuck do you mean bro? She bumped into me first! I was just teaching her-"

"I think that's enough out of you." Jake turned towards your group with a smile.
"I'm sorry about my friends actions guys. He can be a little hotheaded sometimes."

"It's fine.." you said slowly. "I ruined his shirt. But his actions were too much." You said glaring. "Please tell your friend to learn some manners "

"Oh you wanna talk about manners -"

"Alex. Shut. Up. And of course, I'll have a talk with him. You guys can go ahead."

"Thank you Jake. Guys come on, we wasted enough time. "

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