CH-22: A love confession and a sharp toothed friend?

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A.n : TW for unconsented touch, trauma, hints at pedophelia. Again, remember to take a breather if you need to.

" Settle down now (Y/n). Today's a big day okay?"

Your mom was fixing your dress for you. Why did she look so huge all of a sudden, also looked down at yourself and brought out your hands in front of you. You no longer had your adult body, but a body of a child. What happened...?

You mom fixed some of your loose hair strands and patted your cheeks. "Alright, you're all ready to go." Go where? You didn't know. But your body automatically started to move. You could feel you were really excited in your mind.

Running out of your room and down the stairs, you ran into your best friend, Melody. She was also a child like you. She was dressed in beautiful pink frilly dress. You both let out an excited squeal seeing each other and jumped.

The scene changed to a party. There were a lot of people walking around, holding a glass in their hand. You small form was taking everything in, laughing and running around. Beside you were Melody and a few other children you couldn't remember. A boy took your hand while pointing at something and laughing. It was fun. You could sense you and that boy were close. But no matter how much you thought, you couldn't remember his name.

The scene yet again changed. This time you found yourself beside sitting beside a man. This man was your father. He was dressed in a classy suit while talking with others. You sat beside him dutifully with a smile on your face. That was your job. Just as it was your job to greet every guest with a polite smile with a courtesy. Everyone was talking about how cute and obedient you were. It was hard to find someone like you. You know every line of that made your dad prouder.

Suddenly you found yourself in front of a large man. His body was huge. You recognized him as your uncle. However, there were scribbles on his face. Like your brain didn't want to remember him at any cost. Warning bells rang in your mind. You told yourself to run, get away from that man. But you couldn't control your body. This dream wasn't yours to control was it? You can only watch.

You watched in horror as your dad placed yourself in that pig's arms. You could somehow see how your small face almost srunched up from the excessive perfume he was wearing but your forced yourself to smile. You forced yourself to smile as he squeezed your small form against him while talking with your father who never seemed to notice your distress. You smiled as his hands were holding you in places where you were sure he wasn't supposed to.

You were screaming, crying inside your body. You felt dirty. You felt like bugs were crawling all over your body where he touched. However, the small you didn't flinch or understood anything. She played the role of the perfect daughter. You were weeping, holding yourself close as you tried to bang the cage that was holding you captive in this body. You would do anything to get out of this situation. Anything.

You woke up in cold sweat, barely suppressing a scream. You became largely aware of all the bodies that were far too close to you. A tear suddenly fell from your face. You reached out your hand and touched your cheek to already find it wet. How long had you been crying?

You slowly tried to get up. However it still stirred up Charlie and Niffty who were the most close to you. They watched you get up as they poofed back to human and rubbed their eyes. "(Y/n)...? What's wrong?" Charlie asked slowly.

" It's... it's nothing.. really...just a nightmare." You tried to sound brave, however the cracks in your voice proved otherwise. "Why are you crying? Don't cry. I don't like it. " Niffty suddenly grabbed you cheeks as she tried to wipe your tears. But you flinched away from her touch making them both surprised.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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