CH-3: The furry and the eight legged friend

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Vaggie was confused when woke up to barking in morning. She opened her eyes to see Charlie was already up and looking at the direction of the door.

'Charlie, Hun, what's going on..?why is there ... a dog barking?'she said sleepily while trying to fully wake up.'I don't know Vaggie but it somehow sounds familiar...' Charlie's voice drifted off. Vaggie's eyes shot open. 'You don't think it's one of...'
'Could be. Let's check it out!' Charlie said as she got up and ran in front of the door.

'Hello!! Can you hear me out there!' Charlie screamed. 'Reply if you can understand us!' Vaggie joined in. The barking seemed to stop for a moment.

'Charlie?Vaggie? Is that you guys..?' The dog from outside spoke.

'Oh my god it's Niffty...yes it's Vaggie and Charlie! What are you doing here??'Vaggie asked with concern. 'I was just cleaning stuffs in the hotel and then I saw some books on the ground and I went to clean it up and then suddenly I was beside some kinda pond! But then I saw a cabin in the distance so I came here!' Niffty spoke without any break.

'Oh god,what do we do..' Vaggie and Charlie looked at each other.

You were pretty confused as hell too as you started to get up from your bed. The barking felt like it was really close by and it wouldn't stop. Then you checked the basket near your bed to find that your ewe was missing. Dread filled you even though you knew it couldn't get out since you made sure to lock all the doors and windows properly last night.

You quickly started to walk up to where the barking was coming from. It was coming from outside your door. And looks like the ewe and moth were also standing in front of the door. You got a bit confused as to why they weren't scared of the barking.

"Hey, my little ewe, I'm going to need you to back up a bit okay? We don't know what type of dog we are dealing with here" you said crouching down and slowly guiding the sheep to your room as the moth again flew to your hair. Then taking a deep breath in, you slowly started to open the front door peeking down to see what you're dealing with.

You only got to see a small ball of fur before it slammed into the small opening of the door, startling you to open more as it got inside. It was a small but very energetic puppy from the way it was circling around you.

"Hey there little did you come around here?" You said while crouching down. The dog stopped in front of you and let out some cute small barks.

'Can I trust this girl? She looks nice!!' Niffty asked Vaggie, seeing as she was still on top of you. 'You can, she is housing us for now' Vaggie replied. 'We need to make sure you can stay with us too. We shouldn't be separated in this situation'

The puppy looked rather clean and healthy in your opinion. So it definitely has been taken good care of. But who would leave a small puppy around here, almost out of nowhere. You picked up the puppy in your arms. The puppy let out a small bark and licked your face a little making you laugh. "Aww,you adorable little thing. Did you get lost?" You cooed while closing the door and walking inside.

'Ew,why did you lick her Niffty?' Vaggie asked a bit disgusted. 'I couldn't help it, She smelt really nice! It was probably my dog instinct. Also she seems like she likes it so everything's fine. You did say we need to make sure that I stay here, hehehe..' Niffty let out a small manical laughter to which Vaggie let out a sigh.

You put down the puppy in your room with your ewe and the moth flew over to the sheep's head. "You guys play together now, I'll go to the bathroom to freshen up okay?" You said standing up. "Don't fight with each other!" You said before going inside the bathroom and locking the door.

'This is bad Vaggie! Niffty is here too now..what if more people gets sent here because of me! And it's all my fault..' Charlie said anxiously. 'Clam down Charlie, we'll figure something out, I promise..' Vaggie said softly in an attempt to reassure her.

While Charlie and Vaggie was busy talking Niffty noticed some movement from the corner of her eye. She quickly turned around to find it was a cockroach. Her eyes grew wide and her tail began to wag repeatedly as she prepared to pounce on it. In a second second she did, but she missed it as it started to fly away now. Niffty started to chase it again in an attempt to get rid of it.

And right then, due to unfortunate timing and you don't know if god hates you something, but you came out of the bathroom, right in the cockroachs path, as it landed on you. Right on your face. A blood piercing screaming was heard from the cabin. Charlie jumped back in shock and Vaggie flew to the other side of the wall as they looked at you slapping the cockroach off you face. Normally you weren't that much afraid of cockroachs. But having one fly on your face in the first thing in your morning is sure to scare people off.

Niffty quick jumped on the cockroach that fell on floor without missing a beat and began to kill it. You quickly headed back in the bathroom again to wash your face and scrub it well. As Vaggie and Charlie both let out a breath they were holding without realising.

"God what a way to start off this day..." You grumbled as you stepped out of the bathroom for the second time. You look down at the floor to see both the sheep and the moth was looking down at the puppy whacking the shit out of that cockroach. What you didn't know that both Charlie and Vaggie were looking concerned at Niffty who was chanting 'die, die' over and over again as she whacked the already dead cockroach.

"Alrighty, that's enough now puppy, that things already dead. Leave it be, I'll give you some toys to play with later" you said as you picked up Niffty and moving her to next room beside yours. The sheep and the moth both followed you as you went. "Now I still don't know if you're a missing puppy or not but I should still post about you online incase you are" You got your phone and took a picture of the puppy. But for some reason it wouldn't post online.

'Strange.. everything else works fine so why isn't it posting' you thought. "Whatever, I guess I'll keep you here till your owner comes for you puppy" you said while scratching the puppies ear while it barked softly at you. You went in kitchen to prepare breakfast for the morning and opened the windows to let air in. You cooked some pancakes and fed the sheep. You still didn't had any dog food so you decided to go buy it after eating. You also needed to restock your fridge with fresh ingredients. The closest city was about 30-40 minutes drive from here. You were grateful to know driving in times like this. You had an old car that you got for cheap before. After some repairing it worked as new.

You gave all the leftover lettuce that was left to the sheep and changed your dress before heading out. You made sure to lock your doors before getting in the car and started to drive.

Meanwhile, In the cabin, Vaggie called for a meeting amongst themselves to discuss what to do. 'Alright, everyone listen up. We're going to need a plan on what to do. Since Niffty is here then that means anyone else can come too' Vaggie said. 'Also Niffty somehow came somewhere else then us, but thank god she choose to come here' Charlie said looking at Niffty as her gaze softened. 'Hmm,does that mean you can get summoned wherever? Like-' Before Niffty could finish her sentence the floor in middle of them began to grow in bright golden colour with a red pentagram. A big white spider popped up from the pentagram as both the light and the pentagram disappeared. '-That..' Niffty finished.

It didn't take long for them to figure out who this spider could be.

'ANGEL DUST?!?' all three of them shouted out.

A.N: this takes place after the hazbin hotel pilot and before the episodes start.

Also I didn't know what type of animal Niffty could be. After thinking I felt like her energy matches of a small energetic puppy. I don't know much about dog breeds so I'll let you guys decide what type of dog Niffty could be yourselves!
Also Niffty won't be one of the main love interests. Sorry Niffty fans:') but I feel more comfortable writing her having a small sibling or parental type relationship with reader.

Word count: 1519.

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