CH-2: The Golden Book

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Note:This type of writing is when the animals are talking between themselves.

*some time ago in hazbin hotel*

"Vaggie I have a wonderful idea!!"

Charlie exclaimed happily while holding vaggie's hand. Vaggie looked at the princess with a smile.

"What is it hon?"

"What if we made sinners participate in regular book reading on good behavio-
rs and manners?? That could help them

Vaggie chuckled at the princess's enthusiasm. She nodded and assured her that that was indeed a good idea, at least better then alastor's idea to have a bar in the hotel. She was still a bit pissed about that.

"Oh,we have lots of books in the hotel!
Let's go pick some up about good
behaviours!!" Charlie said while dragging Vaggie behind. Angel was flirting with Husk in the bar and Niffty had gone to clean somewhere. And Alastor was out doing... Alastor things that the other residents couldn't bother caring about.

Soon they came to the hotels library section and started picking up books. As Charlie was gathering books, a book suddenly started to glow in golden colour.

"Vaggie...? This book is glowing...?"

Vaggie whipped her head quickly to where Charlie was standing . A book was indeed glowing in bright golden colour next to Charlie. It wasn't any normal book that was for sure.

" Charlie,whatever you do, don't touch
that book. We don't know what type of
book that is or if that's dangerous!"

Vaggie yelled while walking over to her quickly. Somehow she had a bad feeling about this.

"Relax Vaggie" Charlie said while picking up the book. "All of the books here are from my dad's place. There's not gonna be anything dangerous here"

Charlie opened the book before Vaggie could stop her. A bright golden light engulfed the two demons as they got sucked into the book. The golden book alongside the books Charlie and Vaggie were holding fell to the ground in a thud.

Both demons sights went black and it felt like their body was suddenly melting down and reshaping but surprisingly it didn't hurt. Some time later they felt themselves land on some type of solid ground with a new body. But it was still dark and they soon discovered they were confined in some type of space.

Panic took over the both of them as Charlie mentally cursed herself for opening that damn book. Both of them started to move around and try to find a way out, causing to shake whatever they were in. After more pressure Charlie was finally able to open the lid of the box and she quickly jumped out. Vaggie followed her.

Her eyes widened at the sight of the scenery around her, more so at the sight of the human girl in front of her. They weren't in hell anymore. They somehow transported in the human world. Was that the power of the book?

'what the hell...'vaggie thought as she tensed up. There was no telling if the human in front of them was good or bad.

Then both Vaggie and Charlie noticed their current state of appearance. Though they couldn't see themselves well,but they could feel it.

'Charlie,can you hear me??' Vaggie spoke out. Or at least she thought she did, but nothing came out of her mouth.

'Yes, I can..but it feels like it's in my head all around ' Charlie replied in the same way as Vaggie.

'Good to know at least we can communicate' She said with a hint of relief. Vaggie now focused on the girl in front of them.

The human girl seemed just as surprised as they were. But then her face turned into one of awe? The human then started to slowly come towards her head with her hand extended.

'What is she doing ..?' Charlie thought curiously while Vaggie had her guard up. Charlie's train of thought broke when she felt a hand on her head petting her. It was quite relaxing to her and she melted into the touch.

Vaggie looked at the pure adoration on the human girls face while she was petting Charlie. 'Hmm..maybe she's not a threat to us..' Vaggie thought as the human took back her hands.

''Hey there darling,come with me. Let's get you some food alright..?" The human girl was now saying while trying to pick up Charlie.

'I think we can trust this human Vaggie. She seems like a nice person!' Charlie said with anticipation. 'Well she certainly doesn't look too bad and we need a place and food right now so we don't have a choice' Vaggie replied sighing. 'Yay!' Charlie exclaimed with joy as she jumped into the girl's arms.

'Welp,here goes nothing..' Vaggie thought as she flew to the human's head as they were taking them inside the cabin.

*Back to the present*

You released the sheep on the kitchen floor as you went to your fridge. 'Wait, sheeps do eat lettuces right? I think they do..' you thought as you picked up some lettuces that you were saving for salad. You made sure to properly wash them before putting it on a bowl and giving it to the sheep. As for the moth, you cut a bit of orange that you had and put it on a small plate near the moth.

Charlie was looking around and trying to take all of your room in. She was suddenly painfully aware of how small she was and how big everything looked. For Vaggie it was worse. She was trying to take everything in too but the light bulb in the room was far too distracting. They told each other what they were while coming inside. Charlie was squealing in joy to learn she was a fluffy adorable little sheep, though a bit worried on how to turn back.

Vaggie on the other hand, was not happy to learn at all that she was a moth now. She was small and weak now and can't do anything to help herself or Charlie. Plus being a moth came with its disadvantages. Like right now.

'damn light bulb....'

With a click you put down the plate in front of the little sheep wondering around. The sheep started to eat it rather quickly and you chuckled looking at it.
You looked around to find the moth on the orange bits you put out. You decided it's time for you to eat and pass for the day. You were tired as hell from unpacking today. You can start working tomorrow.

You just warmed up some foods that were prepared beforehand. While washing your dishes you felt a poke at your leg. You looked down to see the little sheep staring up at you.

"Aww, has my little ewe finished eating? Don't worry dear, I'm giving you a spot to sleep soon." You said while walking over to pick up the bowl and plate." Just let me finish washing these real soon"

After cleaning them you quickly took out a big ass basket that you had in your room. You took out your stuff from there and placed a soft pillow there. You then picked up the sheep and put it there. And behold, it fit perfectly!

"Sleep here darling, it's comfy no?" You said while petting the ewe again and feeling it fluffy wool. 'thank you for doing these for us!' Charlie wanted to tell you but all she managed was a little Baa.
"I take that you like it then?" You said smiling. The moth from before suddenly flew over and sat on top of the sheep's wool.

"Hey look your little friend is here too. Sleep tight both of you" you said as you got up and went around the house making sure everything was locked properly since you've living alone now.

You moved to your own bed after finishing some small things you needed to do and prepared to sleep. As soon as you layed down, exhaustion quickly caught up to you leaving you knocked out soon. Charlie and Vaggie soon followed being exhausted by today's turn of events as well. You slept in peace knowing you made two small friends today.

However, that peace was broken when you woke up to loud barking the next morning.

Word count: 1382

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