CH-18 : Truth behind the transformation

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T.w : Animal abuse, animal death, descriptions of corpse. (Just a small section)

Husk looked at the transformed duo in front of him. Angel had light skin, similar to Niffty's and puffy blond hair. Husk noticed he still had little pink eyes under his normal blue pair of eyes. He was still wearing his demon outfit from hell. Speaking of that, it seems like he still had some of his chest fluff like before which was poking out from his shirt. Also god damn this man was tall, almost 6'3"or more.

Cherri's skin tone was a bit darker then Angel's. She had blond hair as well but it had a bit of pink hue in the end. Her eyes were bright brown with a reddish touch in them. Her left eye was covered with hair. She had two little squirrel ears as well as a big fluffy tail behind her.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking angel?"

"You need to have feelings for (Y/n) in order to transform!" They said at the same time.

"That's exactly why everyone who transformed were around (Y/n) when it happened! They must have realised their feelings then."

"Cherri we might be geniuses."

Charlie walked into the room right then. Her eyes widened seeing the new transformed pair. "Angel! Cherri! You guys turned human again!" She walked closer to them, taking in their new forms.

"Charlie, perfect timin'. We hafta ask you somethin" Angel grinned looking at her. He slided off the counter and looked down at her with a hand on his hip.

"What is it Angel?" She looked at him curiously, wondering what it could be.

"Tell me, Before you and Vaggie transformed. Did'ja catch any feelings for our dear ol' host?"

Charlie felt her face heat up. Did he know somehow? Why is he asking this all of a sudden. Husk kept his ear out waiting for the reply while eating.


"And no lyin' Charlie. This could be the key to discoverin' the secret behind our transformation"

Charlie shut up again. She was about to deny it but now hearing that, she had second thoughts. She finally sucked it up and nodded before looking down. She twiddled with her fingers.

"Okay, yes....we may have discovered we kind of like her a little bit..." The poor girl was blushing madly. Angel and Cherri exchanged a knowing look at each other while grinning. They finally got a confirmation of their theory. Charlie finally gathered up the courage to look up at him again. "But what does that have to do with the transformation?"

"That's the thing Charlie! You transform into human when you realise you have feelings for the gal!" Cherri replied while leaning onto Angel with an arm on his shoulder. Husk choked on his burger hearing that. All three pair of their eyes landed on him. Charlie quickly went ahead and poured him a glass of water.

"I guess that makes three confirmations Angie~" Cherri said crossing her arms.

"It would seem so. Our kitty cat likes (Y/n) too. I'm really suspicious now if they did somethin' that night."

Husk finally calmed down enough to talk and looked at the bickering pair. He had feelings of that girl? No way. That couldn't be possible, could it? They were just sprouting nonsense.

"There's no fucking way I caught feelings for her. I lost the ability to love years ago,damn it." He shouted at them. Husk didn't know why he was so worked up suddenly. His heart was pounding like crazy. God, he wanted booze now more than anything. At that time, Niffty came while holding a broom and sweeping.

Charlie looked at Husk and back at the pair. If what they said was true, then does that mean everyone who transformed has the same feelings as her towards (Y/n). So did it meant all these people fell in love with (Y/n) just like her?

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