CH-9: A new neighbour and a explosive friend

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The man's full body slowly came into your sight. He was wearing a hunting outfit containing breeches, high boots and a white shirt with black harnesses on top. With the rifle in hand, the black haired man stared up at you in confusion.

He thought that there wasn't anyone living nearby. At least that's what he heard. But now to see a young girl with the deer that escaped him behind her...that isn't something he expected. Did the deer not fear that girl? And what's with all these animals surrounding her?

"Hey there girlie! Fancy meeting someone like you here!" He shouted out while slowly walking closer to you. You flinched a bit hearing his shout suddenly but quickly composed yourself.

"Are you a hunter? Did you shoot this deer?" You asked still in defensive mode.
"Wow,no hi or hello? Haha, yes I am...if you couldn't tell by all of these" he gestured at himself. You now felt dumb for asking that question.

"And to answer your second question, yes I did shoot this deer. I never expected him to dodge it though... I usually never miss my targets" he said looking at the deer with an unusual glint in his eyes. But it quickly faded away as soon as it came.

"Though what's the deal with you girlie?
What's with all these animals around you? If I didn't know any better, I would think I'm facing a modern day Disney princess right now" he said teasingly while eyeing each and every animals around you. The snake surprised him the most. How could a sweet looking girl like you walk around with a venomous snake on her neck.

"They uh..they all live with me!" You didn't know exactly what to say about them. "And you hurt the deer" you said with anger in your voice. You now had to sew that poor deer's cuts again. You were grateful at least that it wasn't deep.

"Oh so they are your pets huh? I see.. Anyways, names Jake, William Jake. It's a pleasure to meet you..?" Jake said extending his hand. Both Husk and Alastor were furious with that statement. They refused to be anyone's pet.

"It's (Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n). " You said slowly shaking his hand. "And they aren't my pets. They are my... friends! Animal friends!" You quickly chimed in. Friends seemed like a better word than pets with this group.

"Say do you live there missy?" He said pointing to the cabin behind you. "I thought people didn't really live around here"

"Yes, I do. I actually bought this cabin a few days ago" you said sheepishly. "Well, I'll be! looks like you're my neighbour then. I live just a few minutes away from here!" He said while laughing.

"You're my neighbour..?" You didn't really know how to feel about this. You came here for peace and quiet. And now having this hunter as your new neighbour might mean destruction of that. You didn't want to hear random gunshots throughout the day.

"Looks like it! And I'm sorry for hurting your precious deer. I didn't know that thing had any friends. Maybe you should put a collar on your 'friends' so people know-"

Before Jake could finish his sentence, you saw the deer move up behind him. You quickly pushed him out of the way as you grabbed the antlers that was meant to swing up.

"No. I'm not letting you hurt a person on my watch" you said while gritting your teeth as you pushed to keep the deer's head lower. You could feel it's raw strength overpowering you. But you still held your ground and clenched your muscles. Your hand was hurting from how strongly you were holding the antlers. Without a doubt it was bruised by now.

Jake inwardly whistled in his mind as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. He made a wrong calculation. This sweet looking girl was actually strong as hell. Just looking at her pushing the ground with her clenched legs as she held onto that deer's antlers told a lot. With her dress's skirt swaying in the air, he could get a view of her thigh's muscles too.

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