CH-6: A bloody fight

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The wolf bared its fangs at you, creeping closer, inch by inch. Your feet felt like it was made out of bricks as you just stared at it. Finally the wolf jumped at you,with its mouth open wide. But before the wolf could come into contact with your skin, it was shoved away to the ground with a headbutt from Charlie.

You were snapped out of your daze when you heard your ewe shout at you. You quickly reached into your bag to find the pepper spray and knife you packed. The wolf was about to jump onto Charlie, but you were faster.

Holding the pepper spray in one hand and the knife with other, you lunged onto the wolf. Was this absolute stupidity? Maybe. But the ewe just saved your life and no way in hell you were going to let it get eaten now. You quickly sprayed in the wolf's face, making it temporarily blind, before shoving the pocket knife in its throat. Blood sprayed across your cheeks from the impact. The wolf was pushed back and your knife remained stuck inside the wolf. Its neck now bleeding as it was now limping and began to retreat.

While you were fighting, Niffty quickly rushed up to the the wolf closing in on Alastor. They couldn't forget the fear they felt when husk, who was now a cat, told them about the dire situation Alastor was in. It was a miracle that Husk recognised them even in this form. It was probably one of his bartender's specialties he's so proud of. But they were glad that you followed along, cause they didn't know what to do by themselves.

Niffty quickly bit The wolf's leg as it was about to bite alastor. The wolf let out a painted grunt as it looked at its attacker. You were just finished with your own fight at the moment. Huffing, you turned to look at the deer's situation.

Alastor used this moment of distraction of the wolf to pull himself up and swing his antlers through the wolf, piercing it. More blood sprayed the ground as the wolf's now dead body fell to the ground. Exhaustion and pain finally caught up to Alastor as he now laid on the ground with a thud.

You were still breathing heavily. Fear and exhaustion setting in your body as the adrenaline slowly went away. The ewe ran to you nuzzled your hand a little before running to the deer. All of your animals seemed to surround the deer as the deer was observing all of you with its red piercing eyes. Finally all of the animals eyes fell on you, it was like they were pleading you to help the deer.

You slowly got up, almost stumbling and falling down, before slowly reaching up to the deer. It was staring at you quite intensely. You slowly sat beside it and held out your hand towards its body to examine it's injuries. But the deer let out a grunt as its body tensed up, startling you before you could touch it.

'Alastor, she just wants to help! Let her examine your wounds you radio freak!' Vaggie scolded Alastor. She was feeling really pathetic for not being able to help. 'Vaggie, you don't have shout at him, he'll understand...' Charlie said while looking at Alastor with concern. '..Why do you all trust this girl so much..?' Alastor inquired before letting out a painted moan. 'Well she is the one taking care of us now and she's a really nice girl,sir!' Niffty said chipping in.

'Fine..' Alastor really didn't like when other people touched him. But he didn't really have a choice right now. He couldn't let himself die as a deer of all things, not when he has so much planned for the future. Alastor looked at you as you gently guided your hands again towards his wounds, now taking extra precaution to not startle him.

It looked like the deer hadn't suffered that much wounds. But there are some cuts and gashes that'll need to be sewn up. Most of the blood covering it's body was from the wolves. But unless the wounds were sewn up, it might get worse.

You looked at the deer to find it already staring at you. "Looks like you aren't in that much of a bad shape buddy..." You awkwardly said towards the deer. "But we might need to get you patched up..." Your voice trailed off in the end, wondering how the hell you'll be able to sew wounds of a deer. It might run away as soon as it gets it's strength to move.

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