CH-11: Brutal acceptance

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'I.... don't know...' Angel answered. He was scared. He didn't like how you looked at him and asked him the question.

'Charlie.. could you tell her to show me the video first? I..I want to see what's in there'

He knew the song 'Addict' from somewhere in his mind. He knew the lyrics somehow, like he sang it before. But he needed to know what would be shown in this video. Which he did not know. But from the lyrics alone he could feel it's something really personal to him.

Charlie looked at him worringly and translated it for you. You nodded in understanding. 'Cherri.. could ya come with me? It might be best if we see it together ' Angel said with a quivering voice. Cherri looked at him sadly and nodded her head. She too could remember singing it but not the scenarios.

You held out your palm in front of Angel where he climbed on. And Cherri climbed on your shoulder. "I'm really sorry guys, but it's something Angel needs to see for himself first. I'll show you guys later" you said as you went to the other room besides yours.

'Soo..tell me, Charlie and Vaggie..just exactly how you turned into this?' Alastor asked as soon as you left. 'You clearly don't expect me to believe so easily that it happened all of a sudden like that girl did'

"We told you, nothing happened. We were just talking about random stuffs and we suddenly turned into this, that's all" Vaggie scoffed looking at Alastor. Alastor tilted his head looking at them.

'Is that so....'

You sat down on the lounge of the other room as Cherri and Angel climbed down from your body. You opened up your phone this time as you left the laptop in your room. Finding the video on YouTube you turned to the pair.

"Angel, Cherri, are you guys ready?"

Angel gulped as he saw the warning sign on the paused video but they nodded their head. You put the phone in front of them as you played the song.

'Till death do us part...'

'But we're already past that phase...'

Angel's face scrunched up seeing Valentino's face. Even in cartoon, his face looked as terrifying as in real life . Actually it's because it's in cartoon, that his hideous smirks and menacing smiles were all the more clear.

'I'm this madness...'

'This hotel Atlantis...'

Angel's eyes shot wide open seeing him on the video crying and Cherri comforting him. 'T-they got this part of me here....?' he whispered in a broken voice. 'Shh, it's okay Angie..' Cherri attempted to cheer him up by placing one of her small arms on his back.

'Just concede and give into your inner demons again '

'Hey, at least we look badass here right? Look!' Cherri pointed at them dancing trying to distract him from his thoughts. She hoped there weren't more of those moments. But that was quickly broken.

Angel let out a shaky breath seeing the scene of Valentino forcefully kissing him and then his breakdown right after. A silent tear fell from his eye unbeknownst to him as the memories of that day came flooding back in his mind.

You gave Angel a sad look as you tried to pat him gently on his head. But you quickly took back your hand seeing him flinch a little. "I'm sorry Angel... I'm really really sorry.." you said looking down.

Cherri patted Angel on his back. He didn't flinch this time as more tears fell. He didn't mean to flinch in front of you. He knew you were just trying to help. But he didn't know you quite well yet and couldn't help it.

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