CH-20 : The new season of Hazbin Hotel

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Angel gently nudged Charlie to wake her up and you called out to Vaggie. After a few tries Vaggie groaned as she opened her eyes a little. She blinked trying to process what's going on.

"Huh...what's..OH (Y/n)!"

She quickly went to heal you but you stopped her. "Hey, it's okay, I'm fine now. Don't waste more of your energy on me alright?" You picked up her glasses that was took off beforehand and handed it to her. " We have four new Hazbin hotel episodes to watch. And Char-" before you could finish, you were tackled in a hug from her.

"(Y/n)! I was so so afraid you weren't going to wake up again!"

You let out a pained groan as you felt the muscles in your body twitch in pain. "Hey, hey honey, you shouldn't hold her so tight. She's hurting." Vaggie whispered in Charlie's ear. Charlie's eyes widened as she immediately let go off you.

"I'm so sorry-" you cut her off before she begins to ramble again. "Hey, it's fine. Vaggie's healing worked a wonder on me" You smiled softly at Vaggie and held her hand. "Thank you, truly. I wouldn't be here without you."

Vaggie felt her heart throb at the action as blush began to paint her face. "Y-yes, of course!" She became bashful very quickly and thanked the upper gods for this power.

Soon, you all bundled together on the floor and placed the laptop on top of your bed. You sat in front of the laptop with Charlie on one side and Vaggie on other. You told them to lean on you if they felt tired. Niffty sat between your legs and you could easily rest your head on top of hers. The spider boy was sitting behind you resting his chin on top of your head and hands on your shoulder. Husk sat beside Vaggie. Pentious and Alastor sat beside Angel.

Before you started the episode, you laid down two rules first. One is that none of them were allowed to walk away in the middle of the show unless it was important. They all had to watch it from start to finish. If someone left in middle, there's no telling what they would miss. A lot of things could be changed by then. And it might cause misunderstandings.

Another one is that, if they show something that they can't handle, for example like Angel's backstory or something traumatic. They can look away. They can watch the rest of those moments alone properly later.

After setting down the rules you finally started the episode. Everyone'd breath hitched as the video began to play.

' Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates, known as heaven. '

"Ohh, that's Charlie!" Niffty pointed out. "Yes, that is my voice...again" Charlie replied awkwardly.

' Drawn in by her fierce independence, Lucifer found her and the two rebellious dremers fell deeply in love '

'Aww, so that's how Charlie's parents met! How romantic...' you thought to yourself.

' Never allowing him to see the good that came from humanity. Only the cruel and the wicked... '

"Poor Lucifer...I kinda feel bad for him." You mumbled. Charlie looked at you sadly, she felt the same. Turned out Charlie was reading it all from a story book. And there was also a new cat in the show now that can also turn into a key. It wasn't there in the pilot.

' Not that long, '

'Huh? Charlie's mom is gone? For seven years??' you thought with a confused expression.

' But this kingdom was something she really cared about, something I care about.'

"If she cared for the kingdom that much she wouldn't have left it in the first place." Husk commented. You glared at Husk to shut up in which he just rolled his eyes.

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