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I decided to wear a little bit of make up tonight and curled my hair, I wanted to make a little bit of an effort, not too much though, you know.
I applied my foundation and concealer as well as a light contour, light blush and wore some cat eye lashes to make my blue eyes pop. Izzy had worn make up last night and decided to keep it more natural today only wearing concealer under her eyes and a light blush as well as some light lashes that were just a little bit fuller then my own. We both applied our lip gloss and headed downstairs to wait for Harry and Cal to arrive. We were running ahead of schedule and still had half hour before they were due to be here so we decided to have a glass of wine from the bottle I opened yesterday evening. We clinked our glasses together before sipping at the wine.

I head over to my full-size mirror and decide to take a photo to post to Instagram, my second post of the day. This was unusual for me.

lolahillx - hi, it's me again x

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lolahillx - hi, it's me again x

@wroetoshaw, @isabellex and 47,295 others like this.

@isabellex - I'm soooo gay for you😍😍🔥
                              @calfreezy - I hope not

@wroetoshaw - you so pretty x
                              @lvsdmn - OMG
                              @fcukw2s - SJSJJDNEJDJ
                              @sidemenfanx - she really is😭

I click back onto my main feed and see a message pop up.

We're on our way, will be with you in 10 minutes x

Isabelle and I quickly finish our wines before checking ourselves out in the mirror and reapplying some lip gloss.

Downstairs x

We grab our bags and make our way to the lift that was already on my floor. We get into the lift  and press 0, which takes us down to the main entrance. When the lift opens we see Harry and Cal waiting outside the car for us. We walk out the door towards them as they both hug us. Considering we only met last night, I felt like I'd known them both years. We climb inside the back of the car with Harry and Cal following behind us and start driving. London is beautiful at night, I find myself staring out the window admiring the view. I can feel Harry watching me as I admire the surroundings, the sun was setting and the lights were starting to turn on. Imagine London in a movie, that's what I was witnessing. It was incredible. I turn around to look at Harry, who was still looking at me. Our eyes meet for a second before he looks down at his hands twiddling his fingers. I look to my side and see Cal and Izzy deep in conversation, they get on like a house on fire. In all the years I've known Izzy, I've never known her to get on with a guy like she gets on with Cal which is just bizarre considering they've known each other all of 24 hours. You know when two people just click, that was Cal and Izzy. I think back to when Jamie and I first got together, I though we 'clicked' just like Izzy and Cal, turns out, we didn't. I feel my eyes well up slightly at the thoughts of my violent ex boyfriend until a strong hand holds mine, his touch ever so gentle. "Are you ok Lola?" Harry asks me. I use my spare hand to tap underneath my eye before turning back to look at Harry. His eyes were full of worry, I give him a reassuring smile "I'm fine thank you, sorry was in a world of my own there" he smiles back at me, he knew something was wrong, but he didn't ask no questions which I appreciated. We'd been in the car now for a good 25 minutes and we were now on the outskirts of London. Harry had told me that we were going to a quiet bar just outside of the city, he and Cal would go there occasionally for a quiet drink.

When the car stopped, I looked outside the window again to find a little pub that looked like it could have been found in the countryside, it looked like a small barn and had fairy lights decorating the entire outside, it was absolutely gorgeous. It was crazy to think that this little hidden gem was just outside of the city. Harry was first to get out of the car, he turned around and held his hand out for me to hold as I climbed out of the car behind him. Cal did the same to Izzy. We walked into the little pub, Harry's hand still keeping hold of my own, the butterflies doing somersaults in my stomach yet again. We find a table and and all sit down. I was sat next to Harry and Izzy was next to Cal.

Cal went to the bar to order us all a drink, he came back with 4 drinks in his hands, 2 pornstar martinis for me and Izzy and 2 pints for himself and Harry. We went to say thank you to Cal but before we'd even got our words out he was gone again. "Where's be going?" Izzy asks Harry to which he shrugs his shoulders. A couple minutes later Cal reappears with a tray of 8 shots, 2 for each of us. We all laugh at Cal as he places the tray on the table. "Why you all laughing? What's so funny? Did I miss something?" Cal says. I look at Cal and compose myself from laughing anymore and reply to him "nothings funny Cal, we just thought we were having a quiet one tonight". Cal breaks into laughter as he takes his seat next to Izzy again. "Oh Lola, it's only 2 shots each, that is a quiet night my friend". I mentally take note, these boys can handle their drink, you cannot. I lift my middle finger towards Cal, earning a laugh from both Harry and Izzy. Cal on the other hand lifts his hand to his heart in an act to look hurt by my insult.

The nights going so smoothly, I couldn't even tell you how long we'd been at the pub but we'd easily been there a good 2 hours. We've laughed and spoke between us all and we were now in our own separate conversations. Izzy was talking to Cal and I was talking to Harry. I was feeling pretty tipsy and decide that I should head out to the garden and get some fresh air, the other 3 seemed fine, like they hadn't had a sip to drink. "I'm gonna pop out for some air for a second" I let the 3 of them know. Harry stands up with me "would you like me to come with you?" Harry asks almost sounding concerned. I smile at him, reassuring him that I'm ok "yeah of course, if you'd like to". He grabs his jacket off the back of the chair and walks behind me towards the beer garden situated at the back of the pub. It was so peaceful out here, there wasn't anybody outside, you couldn't even hear the cars passing outside. It was also decorated with fairy lights just like the front, I felt so at peace out here.

"Are you ok Lo?" Harry asks.
"Yeah of course I am, in fact I've never felt better" I say honestly.
"It's a beautiful little spot this pub isn't it" he says looking around our surroundings.
"It really is, I can't believe how different it is compared to the pubs in central" I smile.
"You have such a beautiful smile" Harry says looking me straight in my eyes. I feel my cheeks heat up.
"Sorry, oh my fucking god as if I just said that, I'm so sorry, I hope I don't make things awkward" he quickly says.
I smile at him again. "Why would you make things awkward? Thank you Harry, thank you" I say grabbing his hand gently. The alcohol giving me a little bit of courage.
Harry rubs his thumb gently across the top of my hand. In that moment, everything just felt perfect. Like everything I'd gone through these last few years had led me here, to Harry.

Darlin' - Harry LewisWhere stories live. Discover now