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Harry's POV:

We sat in Lola's apartment in comfortable silence for a short while before I decide I want to know more about her.
"So tell me, have you got any hobbies?" I ask Lola. What a shit question. Fuck.
She smiles at me from the other side of the sofa where she was sat, she'd draped a blanket over the both of us that she keeps in a basket next to her sofa. Although, I would've much preferred it if she sat next to me, in my arms but I wasn't going to push it, I was perfectly happy like this, just having her company was enough for me.
"I like, horse riding and um... I write poems" her cheeks became a little pink.
"Poems? What kind of poems? Can I hear one?" I ask her.
She hides her face with her hands. "One day, not today though, it's quite embarrassing. I just write poems about life. Writing helps me forget about the world, when I'm going through a rough time, I write a poem. Fuck, I even write poems when I'm happy. It's just my little escape." She smiles at me.
"Whenever you're ready, darling. I'd love to hear one, one day. So horse riding, have you been doing that long?" I ask her.
"As long as I can remember, I've always liked horses more than people. My parents got me into riding when I was really young and it's something I've stuck with. Have you ever ridden a horse?" She asks me.
I laugh at her question before answering. "No, I've never ridden a horse. Ethans girlfriend has horses as well, I reckon you'd both get on really well"
She smiles at my answer. "You'll have to come ride my horse one day, she's very laid back"
"I'd love to" I reply.
I'd never wanted to ride a horse before, but if it meant I was able to spend more time with Lola, I'd ride a horse with a smile on my face.


Lola's POV:

"So tell me, what are your hobbies, Harry?" I ask him.
"I don't have many, I don't really get very much time away from work but when I do I like to go and play golf." He replies.
Golf was never a sport that I understood, but I'd be interested in learning a little more about it.
We sat in comfortable silence for a little while longer before I decide to pop a bottle of wine open. I walk over to the kitchen and grab to wine glasses from the cupboard whilst calling over to Harry who was enjoying stroking Ayla. My heart swelled seeing the two of them together. "Would you like one Harry?" I ask him, holding up the wine glass.
Harry looks back at me with a cheesy grin on his face. "Oh go on then, would be rude to say no wouldn't it?" He laughs.
I laugh along with him. "Yes, it would be very rude, you're right."
I place both glasses on the kitchen island and grab the bottle of wine, pouring us both a generous glass before taking them over to the lounge and handing Harry his glass.
"Cheers" Harry says, holding his glass towards me, i clink our glasses together. "Cheers, Harry" I smile at him.

Once we'd both finished our wine, Harry got up and walked over towards the kitchen, grabbing the bottle and bringing it into the lounge, topping up both our glasses before handing me my glass again "here you go, my lady" he says. I laugh gently at his comment. "Why thank you, kind sir" I reply.
I'll be honest, I'm a lightweight at the best of times, but wine goes to my head practically instantly, if I finish this glass I'll be hammered. I take a small sip before placing my glass on a place mat on the coffee table. I sit on the other end of the sofa under my throw and take in all of Harry's features. He had piercing blue eyes and messy but styled mousy blonde hair that I just wanted to run my fingers through. It didn't take long for Harry to look my way, our eyes connecting instantly which caused my cheeks to heat up. I'd been caught staring. Shit.

Harry clears his throat. "So..."
I shake my head slightly, trying to regather my thoughts. I look around the room, my eyes fixing on the tv. "Would you like to watch a movie or something?" I ask.
Harry grins at me. "I'll watch a movie with you. On one condition" he puts a finger up.
"What's that?" I ask him.
He lifts his arm to rest on the back of the sofa. "You come and sit with me and not all the way over there." I bite my bottom lip, feeling slightly nervous. I scoot over to sit next to him, his arm resting on the back of the sofa so that my head was resting on his bicep. I readjust the throw that was draped across the two of us and grab the remote.
I look up to him, my eyes meeting his instantly again. "What would you like to watch?" I ask him.
"You pick, I'm easy" he says.
I turn the tv on and click on Netflix. Trying to find something that we could both enjoy. It was no use, I couldn't find anything.
Harry takes the remote from me, flicking through before landing on a plane documentary, he clicks onto it to watch the trailer. I roll my eyes, I could think of nothing worse to watch. I slyly try and grab the remote off of him, but he notices and raises his arm just enough so that it's out of reach from me.
"Give it here Harry! I'm not watching a documentary on planes!" I shout at him whilst laughing.
"You want it, come and get it" he pokes his tongue out at me.
I bite my lip again, trying to work out how to get the remote from him. I sit back, mastering up a plan. The wine has well and truly kicked in because my next move took me by surprise.

Darlin' - Harry LewisWhere stories live. Discover now