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As I make my way downstairs to meet Harry the butterflies are erupting in my stomach.

I reach the ground floor and can see Harry waiting outside the main entrance, the sight of him sending electricity through my stomach. He turned and look towards me, flashing me his signature smirk. I suddenly feel hot and exposed even in my jacket.

He comes up to the main entrance and opens the door for me, pulling me in for a hug and kisses me lightly on the cheek before whispering "you look beautiful." I feel my whole body heat up at his words. "Thank you, you look very handsome" I reply. His blue polo making his eyes pop, I could feel myself staring into them. Harry grabs my hand and leads me into the back of the car.

The journey was quick and before long we were outside a large building, it was much more fancy then any Chinese restaurant I'd ever been to. I looked up to see that the actual restaurant was on the top floor. We walked inside the main entrance to be greeted by front of house.
"Good evening Mr Lewis, your table is ready if you'd like to follow us to the lift" the man said to Harry.
We walked towards the lift, our hands entwined. The lift reaches the top floor and as we walk out, my eyes search around the restaurant, there was barely anybody here. It was gorgeous and the views were absolutely breathtaking.

The gentlemen, shows us to our table which was right beside the window, giving us the most beautiful views of London

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The gentlemen, shows us to our table which was right beside the window, giving us the most beautiful views of London. Harry pulls my chair out for me before heading to his own seat. We sit in complete comfortable silence for the first couple minutes. I was in complete awe of this restaurant.

"Do you like it?" Harry asks me with a smile on his face.
"It's beautiful. So much for casual" I laugh quietly.
"It's not overly fancy is it? I wanted somewhere special"  Harry says to me.
"It's perfect Harry, I love it" I reassure him and place my hand on his gently.

The waiter comes over to our table to take our drink orders before we order our meals. We both order a cocktail and thank the man before he leaves.
I flick through the menu, everything looked amazing. I couldn't decide what to get.
"What are you getting?" I ask Harry.
"I think I'm going for something chicken based. How about you?" He replies.
"I can't decide, I'll probably go for beef but everything looks insane." I smile at him.
"Why don't we get a little mixture of a beef, chicken, lamb and pork? Then we just just have a little of everything?" He says whilst stroking his thumb in circles on my hand.
"That sounds good" I smile at him.
At this point, I felt so content with everything. Like life was finally going well.

Harry orders our main meals and we spend the next half hour discussing life.
"How did filming go this morning?" I ask Harry.
"Really well actually. I don't usually like filming by myself, I'm quite awkward, I find it hard to know what to say to fill the silence, at least when I'm filming with the boys, we have a laugh and an actual conversation" he laughs.
"I know exactly what you mean, although I would have never had you down as awkward" I reply.
"I've never needed to be awkward around you, I've always felt comfortable. Although the first night we met, had I of been sober, I probably would have made it really awkward" he laughs.
I smile widely at him. "I can relate to that, who would've thought that when we met last week that we'd be here"
"I knew from that night that I wanted to get to know you. I think sometimes you just know when somethings right" he says to me.
I could feel my cheeks heating up at his confession. "You know what, I completely agree. I was actually thinking earlier this afternoon that all the shit I'd been through these last few years all happened for a reason, because they lead me to you. As cringey as that sounds"
Harry holds my hand tighter from across the table. "I'm so glad you feel the same way as I do. I mean, I wish you hadn't of gone through what you did but at the same time I'm so thankful that you found the strength within yourself to walk away and I'm so glad that you've allowed me in. I think what we have could be really special."
I felt my whole body heat up, Harry had a heart of gold.
"Harry I-" I struggle to get my words out.
"I can't begin to express how much that means to me. I'm so thankful that you came into my life when you did. I completely agree with you"
Harry smiles at me, pleased with my words.

Darlin' - Harry LewisWhere stories live. Discover now