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I head towards my bedroom and start nearly folding the clothes that had been thrown across the room and place them back inside the correct compartments. Looking around, I make my bed and grab the glass from my bedside unit, taking it downstairs to wash up. I make myself a fresh glass of water and sit down in the front room, grabbing my throw from next to the sofa draping it over myself.
Truth is, I hated being by myself but at this moment in time, it felt like bliss. I needed this. A few hours to myself to just unwind and chill.

I grab my phone from my back pocket seeing multiple new notifications from Instagram which consisted of a few DMs as well as thousands of new followers, comments and likes. I clicked onto the DMs and Harry's name, which I eagerly clicked onto.

Morning Lola x
-how you feeling this morning? X
-you ok?
-I hope I haven't done anything to upset you 😓 x

I quickly go to message him back, realising that I hadn't even looked at my phone this morning.

So sorry Harry! I've literally only just looked at my phone! I'm good thank you, how are you? X

I couldn't help the sudden pang of guilt that went through me. He'd messaged multiple times and i hadn't even opened them. I rethink over the previous night, trying to think of why he might have upset me. Harry could never upset me. Then I remember. The kiss. But I wanted it to, that could have never upset me in any way.

She's alive!!!!!!!x

- I'm very well thank you. Started to think you weren't talking to me x

Why would I not be talking to you, silly? Just been a crazy morning, woke up late then spent the morning getting Izzy ready. Literally just had a spare second to check my phone x

Oh yes, Izzy and Cal going on a date. He told me.
Izzy and Cal sitting in a tree. K. I. S. S. I. N. G.
Although I'm not surprised you were up late, it was gone 3am by the time we dropped you home last night. I just thought maybe you were regretting last night what with the kiss and all that x

oh my, how old are you😭😂 K. I. S. S. I. N. G 😭😂
oh wow, was it that late?! the end of the night is still a little bit of a blur, i was hammered. so much for a quiet night aye🙈
No regrets my end don't worry🥰 x

hey, I'm still a child at heart😂
I'm glad you've got no regrets, I really enjoyed myself x
- I was going to suggest going for dinner either tonight or tomorrow if you feel up to it? X

I'd love that Harry. Whenever is best for you? X

I've got filming with the boys later this afternoon, not quite sure what time I'll get away but I'm free all day tomorrow if that's ok?x

Of course tomorrows perfect! That'll give me this evening to get the low down on Cal and Izzy's date🙈😂
Enjoy filming!x

I wish I could see you today x

Here come those bloody butterflies again.

So do I, it'll be strange not seeing you, it'll also be strange being sober😂 x

Stop it😭😂 sober girly 💅🏼 x
Can I get your number? I actually don't use Instagram all that much x

I sent him my number and within a couple minutes I received a new text notification.

*unknown number*
Harolddddd x

I quickly saved the number as a contact 'Harry x' and text him back.

Darlin' - Harry LewisWhere stories live. Discover now