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Harrys POV:

We'd been out for almost 3 hours already and I don't know why but I felt so proud of Lola for staying out this long, I also got this funny giddy feeling in my stomach at the fact that she's made such an effort with all my friends. I can tell they all love her, especially JJ and Tobi. She's also getting on with the girls, she's spent a lot of the evening chatting with them, I feel a little jealous.
I'm so whipped.

I look over the table to Lola who's sat talking to Faith. I find myself staring at her quite regularly without even realising. I just like to admire her.
She turns her head towards me, I mouth her a quick "you ok" and she nods with a big smile on her face.
Fuck me.

Ethan comes and sits beside me where Lola was originally sitting. "Alright bog, my missus is chatting your missus' ear off so thought I'd come chat to you" I laugh at Ethan's statement. "She seems really nice." He continues. I look back over to Lola who's still deep in conversation with Faith, I knew they'd get on like a house on fire. "She is. She's really nice." I say shyly. What is wrong with me.

"You seem really happy" Ethan says to me.
I smile at me, he's right. "You know what mate, for once I really am."
Ethan rests his hand on my shoulder "I'm happy for you man, you deserve to be happy"

Out of all of the guys Ethan was probably the one I was closest with, we met up regularly away from 'work'. Don't get me wrong, we used to all meet up outside of shoots and what not but as the years have gone by we've all ventured down other routes alongside just sidemen. Vik dj'ed, Tobi had his music, JJ had boxing and music, Simon had his charity as well as a podcast and many other YouTube channels that he posted on consistently, Ethan had a podcast with faith as well as a child, Josh had his streaming. Everyone had other things to do, except me. I'm perfectly content with how life is at the moment though. My only work commitment being sidemen related, although I do have a golf channel with our friend Theo. Although I wouldn't say that's particularly consistent. It's more a 'when we both have the time'.

A few more hours had past and a lot more drinks consumed and everyone was pretty tipsy. I can tell Lola's pretty drunk by now as she's made her way round the table speaking to everybody getting to know them all. Something she wouldn't have done so confidently sober. I appreciate how much of an effort she's made, I know she struggles when meeting new people.

I look up to see her making her way over towards me, slightly unsteady on her feet. Oh she's drunk.
She comes up behind me wrapping her arms gently around my neck whilst leaning over the back of my chair, her face right next to mine.
Fuck, I want to kiss her so bad.

"I think I might be a tinsy winsy bit pissed" she whispers in my ear.
Fuck, that turns me on so much. God damn it Harry control yourself.
"I think you might be to, Darlin'" I look up towards her smiling.
"Did you want to head home?" I ask her.
She nods a little. "I think so. You can stay though, I'll get a taxi home, you enjoy the rest of your night."
I pull her wrist gently and sit her down on my lap. Fuck, her arse feels good on my crotch.
"Absolutely no way, I'll take you home." I say with my head resting on her shoulder.
"Only if you're sure, As long as you don't feel like you have to." She leans her head back slightly so that her heads now resting on my shoulder. She fits on me like a fucking glove.
"I want to." I reassure her, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. I couldn't resist it. Her face was right there.

"Ohhhh you guys are so fucking cute!" JJ practically screams causing everyone around the table to look directly at me and Lola.
Lola doesn't care though and neither do I.
She darts her head towards JJ smiling. She then rests her cheek against mine, holding the other side of my face with her right hand with the cheesiest grin I've ever seen on her face. "We are, aren't we" she says to JJ. Too fucking right we are baby.
"No seriously, you actually are" he lowers his voice, just speaking to the two of us.
"I am literally obsessed with the two of you together" Talia says from across the table, she's sat in-between Simon and Freya.
"I'm obsessed with you T" Lola blurts out and I can't help but laugh. She really had become good friends with the girls.
"Love you girl" Talia blows a kiss towards Lola which she pretends to catch and put in her pocket before drawing an air heart towards her with her hands. Bitch, put that hand back on my face, I liked the contact.

Darlin' - Harry LewisWhere stories live. Discover now