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"Who's got you smiling at your phone like that Bog?" Ethan asked.

I looked up from my phone and up at the 7 boys sat in front of me and for the first time with these boys, I had no words to say.

"Oh, erm, nothing, nobody, never mind. What were we talking about?" I reply. It's not that I don't want to tell them about Lola, but it's still early days. Truth be told, I haven't introduced the boys to a girl since me and my ex broke up over 5 years ago, there's never been anybody else in the picture to introduce them to so this is foreign territory for me.
"We we're just discussing everybody's plans for the evening, you on the other hand we're in a little world of your own" Simon says. I laugh a little at his comment. Typical witty Simon.

"Lads, lads, lads, tomorrow shall we go out, go for a meal and a few drinks like old times? Maybe not exactly like old times but you know what I mean" Ethan continues.
"Ah man, I've actually got something on tomorrow, otherwise I would. How about another day?" I say.
"What have you got planned? A meeting with your right hand?" JJ says. Proud of his comment.
I stick my middle finger up at him in response.
"No seriously mate, what you doing tomorrow though? You're usually the first one who's up for a night out" JJ says to me.
All the boys now looking my way. Shit.
"Ah, erm, I mean, I'm just out already" what the fuck am I saying here. I'm having a proper stinker.
"Out with?..." Josh says.
"Just someone I met" I reply.
"Oh Harry, is it a girl?" Ethan says, cooing.
"Yes lads, If you must know, it is a girl" I give in.
"This is massive Harry, why didn't you say anything?" Tobi practically screams.
"It's early days man, early days" I shrug.
"You like her?" Josh says to me, quietly so that the other boys can't hear.
"I do mate, but like I said, early days. We're still getting to know each other, you know"
Josh gives me a reassuring nod and taps me on my shoulder. "Happy for you bud" he finishes before getting back into conversation with the other lads.

Lola's POV:

Harry x:
I told you 😭 x

This guy had quite literally served a shit on the plate for a main course, he really was something else.

I don't know what I was expecting but it definitely was NOT that 😂 x

It's true, I weren't expecting a work of art don't get me wrong, but that. That was just a whole new level.

Harry x:
I mean, I think it could've been worse 🤷‍♂️ x

HOW?! How could it have been worse, please enlighten me😭😂 x

Harry x:
I don't know but it definitely could have been, stop picking on me💔😂 x

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I take it back. I'm sure you tried your best and that's all that matters x

Harry x:
Oh yeah that makes it so much better, thanks Lola 😭😂 x

I lock my phone placing it back on the coffee table, Izzy should be back pretty soon after her date with Cal this afternoon. I really hope she's had a nice time. She deserves nothing but the best.

I grab my phone from the coffee table again and decide to post on Instagram, got to keep the engagement going.

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Darlin' - Harry LewisWhere stories live. Discover now