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Isabelle had gone back to her apartment this afternoon to get herself ready whilst I stayed at home getting ready myself. I was wearing my black dress and heels that Isabelle had got me for my birthday. I'd sat down at my dresser to do my make up and as I looked at myself in the mirror I couldn't believe that I was doing this, my mind went into overdrive again and I suffered a small panic attack. This was nothing unusual, I suffered with them quite regularly, especially towards the end of my relationship with Jamie. I composed myself again but decided against wearing any make up. I pulled my dress down slightly, I wasn't used to wearing dresses, I've never had a reason to get dressed up. I checked myself out again in the mirror in my bedroom and headed downstairs to wait for Isabelle to arrive, she should be here any minute now.

I take a quick snap in my long mirror in the lounge to post to Instagram, I needed to get back into posting on there otherwise I'd never get any new brand deals. I lean slightly on my dining table, snapping a couple of pictures and picking the best one to post.

 I lean slightly on my dining table, snapping a couple of pictures and picking the best one to post

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lolahillx - she's going out out tonight 🥂 #birthdaygirl

@isabellex and 3,487 others like this post.

@isabellex - my besties looking 🔥
                     @lolahillx - love you so much x
@user - happy birthday Lola, hope you have the best night x
                      @lolahillx - thank you lovely!

I close instagram and wait for Isabelle to arrive. I grab a bottle of wine from the kitchen, pouring myself a glass to ease my nerves.

Isabelle x: I'm downstairs in the taxi, come down x

I grab my glass of wine, necking back the last mouthful and grab my shoulder bag from the kitchen side, I place my phone inside and grab my door keys, I walk out the door and lock it behind me. I head downstairs to meet Isabelle who's waiting besides the car for me. She gives me a little wolf whistle as I approach her. She was wearing a tight dress similar to mine but it was red. She looked amazing, she always does. I wish I had the confidence Isabelle has. "Witwoo, look at you!" She says to me as I climb in the taxi. I blush at her "look at me? look at you Iz, you look amazing" she hits my arm as we both laugh. The drive was only about 15 minutes to the club. We sung our little hearts out in the back of the taxi the whole way. As we were approaching the club, my nerves had kicked back in. Isabelle noticed straight away and grabbed my hand. "Remember babe, if at any point you want to go home, let me know and we'll go. You've got this" and with that the taxi pulled up outside the club. It was heaving, there was a queue that looked like it went on for miles. Luckily for us, we didn't need to queue as we were already on the guest list. Isabelle paid the driver and we headed to the main entrance of the club. I took in a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air. It had been a few days since I'd even left the house. Isabelle gave our names to the security guard on the door and he let us straight in.
We walked inside together, the music so loud it felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest. We walked straight towards the bar to get ourselves a drink. Fuck me, I definitely needed it. My nerves were awful. Isabelle was swaying her hips to the music as she was walking over to the bar, whereas I felt awkward as fuck. This wasn't my usual scene, I was much more comfortable in the comfort of my own home. However, I was determined to have a good night with my best friend.

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