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Harry's POV:

This girl. Lola. I don't know what she was doing to me but at this moment, right now, all I could do was admire her. She had the most stunning Ocean Blue eyes that I could get lost in. Her hair was curly and frames her face perfectly although I wish she'd tuck it behind her ears so that I could see every bit of her perfect face. She really was something else.

We sat on one of the benches outside in the beer garden and decided to have a game of 21 questions.
"You first!" I say to her.
"Um- what's your favourite colour?" She asks.
I laugh at her. "What a shit question. But it's blue"
"Im just getting started of course the first one would be a easy question." She says, smiling.
"My turn, have you got any siblings?" I ask.
"Nope, just me, my mum and dad growing up. I did always want a little sister though - do you?" She replies
"Ive got 2, a brother and a sister. Both younger then me - how long have you lived in london?" I answer her question and ask her next one.
"All my life. But my mum and dad moved away to Manchester a few years back - how about you?" I saw a bit of sadness in her eyes speaking about her parents. 
"I grew up in Guernsey and moved to London when I was about 17 for work. My Mum, Dad and Brother are still in Guernsey and my Sister's at Uni in Manchester - are you close with your mum and dad?" I ask, not sure if I should be asking questions about her family so soon.
"We are, we always have been but I haven't been to see them in a while but we speak on FaceTime most days. I really miss them sometimes you know, even as an adult, sometimes you just want your parents - are you close with your parents?"
I reach for her hand again, rubbing my thumb gently, her skin was so soft.
"Are you going to ask your own questions or just copy mine?" I laugh. "But yes, we're pretty close, I go back to Guernsey and see them whenever I can - what do you do for work?"  I ask.
"Sorry! Im awful at this aren't I. Im terrible at thinking of questions! I've just recently got back into influencing, I've done it for a few years now but I've never really taken it very serious, I used to work in an office as a manager but I had to leave"
I could tell there was more to that story.
"How come you had to leave if you don't mind me asking?"
She takes a deep breath
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" I reassure her.
"No, no, it's fine. I think talking about it helps me heal. Basically long story short, I was with my ex boyfriend since we were about 15, when we left school I got this job at the office and over the years I worked my way up to manager which was a massive achievement considering how young I was. Jamie wouldn't like it if I came home late from work or didn't spend enough time at home with him, he started off raising his voice at me but over the space of the last 5 years he had started hitting me, sometimes the bruises were so prominent I couldn't hide them with make up so I wouldn't go back to work until they'd faded, as time went on my boss and I had mutually agreed that I should take some time off, he did reassure me that my job was always there for me if I did decide to go back. I just never did" she said as she  takes another deep breath.
I couldn't believe it. I felt the anger rising inside of me. I've never understood why a man would ever lay a hand on a woman, but the thought of anybody hurting Lola made my blood boil.
"I'm so sorry you went through that Lola, I really am. Is that what the panic attack was about last night?" I compose myself again.
She doesn't answer and just nods her head, I can see her eyes glass over, tears threading to fall.
I use my finger to lift her chin up, she's now looking straight in my eyes, her tears still threatening to fall. I run her cheek gently in an attempt to comfort her. I just want to kiss her. I look at her lips, they're plump, the perfect shade of pink, I look back up to her eyes, my thumb still caressing her cheek.
"If it helps, I'm glad you're shot of him. He sounds like an ass. One man's loss is another man's treasure. You deserve somebody to treat you like a queen."
She slaps my hand playfully with a smile on her face. "Thank you, Harry. You listening to me honestly means the world to me" she hugs me. Her head rest on my chest, I wrap my arms around her tightly, never wanting this moment to end. I leave a quick kiss on the top of her head, her hair smells like a mix of flowers and sweetness, I cant explain it but I couldn't get enough of it either.
"So, how's a charming gentlemen like yourself not in a relationship - wait, you're not in a relationship are you?" She asks as she pulls herself out of our hug. My body feeling cold as she pulls away.
I laugh at her question. "No, no, no, I'm not in a relationship. Very much single. My ex girlfriend left me about 4 years ago now and I never met anybody else after her, not until now anyway" I mentally face palm myself, what a cringe thing to say.
"She left you? Why would anybody do that?" She asks.
I get a funny feeling in my stomach, like butterflies it's hard to describe. "Who knows, She just fell out of love with me after 5 years and moved on with someone new" I shrug my shoulders "but everything happens for a reason, it hurt before but I'm over it now"
Lola smiles at me. God, that smile.
"I agree. Everything does happen for a reason."
I could kiss her, I want to kiss her. I look at her lips again, then back up at her eyes. She copies my actions. Does she want this to? I lean in slightly. I know I shouldn't but I can't help myself. She leans in slightly towards me, indicating that she does want me to kiss her. I move in slowly, incase she changes her mind. She doesn't move away, my lips gently touch hers. It was as if lightning had struck me as our lips collided. I move my lips a little, deepening the kiss ever so slightly. Her lips fit with mine perfectly, it was like 2 puzzle pieces that slot together. She pulls away slowly, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. I place my hand gently on her cheek and tuck all the hair that was framing her face so that I could see her properly. "You're so beautiful Lola, you know that" I say as I lean back in to kiss her again. She leans in further this time, the electric feeling jolting through me as soon as her lips were on mine again. She deepens the kiss and parts her lips slightly allowing my tongue to explode her mouth. I can't get enough of her, what has this girl done to me? I gently grab her hips, pulling her body completely into me, I move my hands from her hips and hold her face again, I can't take my hands off of her. For once this wasn't even about fucking, I genuinely wanted to give this girl everything I could.
We break the kiss, her cheeks are a dark shade of pink, I can feel mine heating up to.
You know when something just feels so right, it's so soon but I can't explain it, it just felt right. She made me feel so alive.
I hold onto both her hands with my own again. "You're so special Lola, I really hope we can continue getting to know each other" I say.
"I'd really like that Harry" she stutters slightly.
The way she says my name has my stomach doing somersaults.
"Shall we get back inside to the other two?" She asks. She's shivering slightly. I wrap my jacket around her shoulders and agree. As we walk inside, we notice Izzy and Cal sitting very comfortably at the table. Isabelle leaning back slightly with Cals arm across the front of her holding her in place, I must admit, they were very cute together.

Darlin' - Harry LewisWhere stories live. Discover now