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Harry's POV:

Lola's fallen asleep in my arms on the sofa whilst we were watching Criminal Minds, it's been finished a while now but I haven't got the heart to move her and potentially wake her up just so I can get the remote and put something else on. So, instead I just stare at her. I stare at my gorgeous girlfriend. I can't believe she's actually mine.

I swear I'll be the best that I can be, for her. I'd do anything for her.

I pull my phone from my pocket and open WhatsApp to tell the boys the good news, they'll be ecstatic, they love Lola.

Harry - lads lads lads!!

Tobi - who's died?!

Vik - H A R O L D !!

Ethan - boggooooo

JJ - yo what's happening

Josh - what's the urgency!!!!

Simon - you can't come in the chat like that and not tell us what's up Harry

Fucking hell, give me a chance.

Harry - firstly, nobody gave me a chance to type. secondly, I asked Lola to be my girlfriend 😂

Tobi - and?????? is she????!!!!!

Harry - she is 🙈

JJ - MY MAN💙 congrats to you both bro!

Vik - so happy for you both Harry!

Tobi - I knew it wouldn't be long! Happy for you bro💙💙

Ethan - boggos in loveeeee

Harry - nah man I swear I am

JJ - we know you are 😂

Harry - is it that obvious 😭😂

Ethan - yes bro, happy for you though! You deserve happiness♥️

Harry - love ya boys 🤍

Tobi - love you bog & Lola ♥️

JJ - love u both ♥️

I close the group chat and switch to Instagram. I'm so glad the boys were happy for me, they'd been there for me through a lot, through the breakup with my ex years ago, the drink, the drugs, you name it, they were there for me.

I go to post a photo of me and Lola, unsure on how to caption it.

Wroetoshaw  - I've gone and bagged myself a lady friend 🤍 @lolahillx you the best xx

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Wroetoshaw  - I've gone and bagged myself a lady friend 🤍 @lolahillx you the best xx

Liked by KSI, taliamar, faithlouisak, calfreezy, isabellex and 486,274 others.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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