26. Last wish

125 13 3

Third Person POV :

Though Taehyung found them all so kind and caring and wasn't so scared to be with them, especially after having a good chit chat with Seokjin more like Seokjin kept talking while Taehyung listened, he still refused to take a seat beside any of them and quietly chose the chair next to Jungkook.

However there was some progress like making eye contact and small conversation with the people around the table. Everyone felt so warm with the way he gave them each a unique name. Funny hyung, cool hyung and doctor hyung. Yes, he changed the names a little bit.

They couldn't help but fall for the lovely boy whenever he showed them his sweet smile or looked at them innocently with his confused eyes whenever he didn't understand their talk.

Sooner or later they were all smitten by his cuteness and innocence. Though the video kept on playing in the back of their minds aching their hearts, they still tried to cheer up the boy. The only thing running in their minds is how strong Taehyung is.

"Hyung?" Taehyung looked at Jungkook when he recalled something. He was fiddling with his fingers nervously, when Jungkook hummed in response, prompting him to continue. "D-did you...umm... see any bracelet on my hand when I came here?"

It is still difficult for him to recall what he must have been doing at this moment if Jungkook didn't save him. He didn't know how he ended up in Jungkook's house. In fact, he didn't want to know. He liked it the way it was, without discussing any of those tormenting memories.

But this bracelet is so important for him as it was from the only person who cherished him before he got a blessing in the form of a person named Jungkook.

"No, Tae… I didn't… why?" Taehyung pouted at Jungkook's words.

"Strawberry hyung gave it to me. I promised him that I will always wear it." Taehyung replied, pouting more. Jungkook again felt that unpleasant feeling at the mention of that name, yet he felt the urge to kiss that pout away

Pushing both the thoughts aside and scolding himself, he replied. "Don't worry...Tae. We'll look for it."

"Wait...what am I missing here? Who is this strawberry hyung?" Yoongi popped into the conversation looking at Jungkook asking silently with his eyes 'Why did you leave out this detail?'. He didn't want any information to be left out. Every single thing can be a clue that leads to a big revelation.

Before Jungkook could say anything, Taehyung beamed a bright smile towards Yoongi, too excited to talk about his strawberry hyung to someone. "He is my friend...we used to meet at library and play together…"

"What about the bracelet?" Yoongi inquired. And this brought back the smile again on Taehyung's face. "Hmm, it is a silver bracelet with a star pendant."

"Knew it."

"Did you say something?"Seokjin asked.

"Nothing." Yoongi started to put the pieces together.

Jungkook began to think where he saw this bracelet as an image of a silver bracelet with a star pendant flashed in his mind.

"Why strawberry hyung, though? It is sweeter than our names." Seokjin pointed out.

"He always brought strawberries and also his hair is strawberry colour… so I called him strawberry hyung and he called me little bun." Taehyung giggled while replying.

Jungkook poked his tongue in inner cheeks. He never had a good feeling about this person. He always felt a bitter taste on his tongue at the mention of that 'pervert-whatever-hyung' who asked Taehyung to kiss for thanks. 'He must have become an international playboy by now.' He thought to himself and scoffed at his thought.

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