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The music in the bar thundered with an energetic rhythm, which filled the air with an intense energy. The air was thick with smoke and the aroma of various alcoholic beverages. The place was packed with people of different ages, all drinking and dancing to the loud beats coming from the DJ booth. Jennie was standing near the bar with her friends, dancing and laughing. She had been drinking all night, and the alcohol was starting to affect her.

Jennie was a woman of many contradictions. She was beautiful and sexy, with an alluring and inviting body. She had an air of confidence and independence about her, but underneath that, there was a deep-seated insecurity that she hid behind a facade of self-assuredness. Despite her outward bravado, she was a playful and fun-loving person, with a carefree attitude towards life. She was the life of the party, always looking to have a good time and keep herself entertained.

One person who stood out from the rest was the tall and handsome man in the corner with a mysterious aura about him. He looked calm, yet there was something dangerous and thrilling about him. As the music continued to blare and the people around him danced and drank, he sat by himself, observing everything with a cold and stoic expression, taking small sips from his glass of cocktail.His name was Taehyung,he was the CEO of "The Superior Company".His company was amazingly successful so you could say he was popular in Las Vegas but not,he had decided  to keep his identity a secret a long time ago.He was a heartless and shameless man.

Jennie was drunk, having drunk one too many drinks at the bar. As she scanned the room, her eyes landed on a handsome man sitting in the corner. He was wearing a well-fitting suit that hugged his muscular frame, making him look even more attractive. Jennie noticed his sharp face, striking features, and piercing black eyes that seemed to look right through her. As she saw him, a flutter of excitement and attraction went through her body."Here is tonight's victim" She thought as she started walking closer to him

Jennie was feeling intoxicated by the alco hol she had consumed, and in this state she felt a surge of confidence and excitement as she made her way across the room towards the handsome stranger who had caught her attention. As she walked, she could not help but stare at him with a lustful gaze, her eyes fixated on his every movement. Once she finally reached him, she stood directly in front of him."Hello handsome" She said staring at his black eyes,she has never seen such dark eyes before,it was like his eyes were dead"I caught you staring at me" She said as she lifted the head and smirked,he took a small sip of his drink before talking" Why not miss,you are beautiful" He said with a husky and cold voice,it was like his mouth was full of ice.

Jennie bit her lower lip hearing his attractive voice,she started to really get into him."I mean you are not wrong but don't you think it is a little,too sexy to look at random girls like that".He chuckled hearing her saying that"Well,I will stop looking at "random girls like that" When you stop being beautiful," He said mocking her."And when will I stop being beautiful" She asked in confusion"Never"He said and took another sip from his drink.She blushed slightly hearing his compliment,she didn't know why 'cause she was used in getting compliments but this time it just hit her differently,*It is probably the alcohol* She though chuckling"Wow you really are a keeper" they stared at each other for some time,silence felled the air between them.

The room was illuminated by a combination of blue, green and purple lights, which created a surrealist atmosphere. The blue light gave off an ethereal and mystic vibe, while the green light provided a soothing and calming atmosphere. The purple light added a mysterious and otherworldly quality to the scene. Together, the three colors created a captivating and unique environment, which made the room seem like a different world

"So,young lady can i offer you something" She looked at him seductively,she wanted something but she didn't know if she could have it"I do want something.."she said "Sure let me call the bartender"He said as he raised his arm so he could make an order.He suddenly felt someone grabbing his arm and placing it on someone's waist,some seconds later he felt someone sitting on his lap,it was no other that Jennie,he smirked seeing her seductive face,he could understand that she was making dirty thoughts"So this is what you want" He put his big palm on her small waist and pulled her closer to him not breaking the eye contact",she wrapped her arms around his neck as she slightly moaned"Can you give to me" he stared deeply at her eyes,before answering,he felt strange,why did he actually want to do this*Its probably 'cause I haven't had sex for a long time* He thought"I sure can but not in here I can't in frond of this many people" he said making an excuse,he didn't care if he had sex in public at all,especially in a bar but this time he wanted to have her for himself even though she was just a stranger"Then where?",she said giving him a peck on his lips,"He closed his eyes and smirked,"Lets go to my car"......

It's going to be a really hot night..


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