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Two weeks have passed since my talk with Taehyung, after he announced his offer to me about living together and I agreed to it,the day after he sent men to my house so they could take my things and transfer them into Taehyung's house so I could move in,I've been staying with Lisa ever since then,and it was a terrible idea.Not as much as living together with Kim Taehyung but it still was.

She asked me a tone of questions about what happened and Taehyung's looks,she wanted every specific detail to be included,but I didn't blame her I would do the same thing.

I am currently 10 weeks pregnant and my personality has changed a lot,I've been having extremely bad morning sickness that would start up with a terrible migraine and ended up with a long vomiting,I couldn't get used to it.Also my hips got rounder and my breasts kinda bigger, which made me really frustrated since my bras were really uncomfortable.My hormones are really messed up and I can't tell the difference between being happy or being sad, everything made me upset .Furthermore I acquired a new craving habit in which I can't go a day without eating spicy food,like Takis,I ate half a festival bag a day which was kinda weird since I had gotten a divorce with spicy food a long time ago.

I was now standing in front of Lisa,I was about to leave to my new house.

I was saying bye to my best friend, am I going to regret this?

I dragged my suitcase with the last clothes I had left and walked to my car with Lisa following me, I put the suitcase in the trunk as Lisa put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me so she could hug me,I chuckled at her reaction and while I hugged her back and smiled at her as a tear slipped down her cheeks,I wiped it away with my thumb"Aww Lis why are you crying"I said while looking at her "It is just, you are pregnant now I can't do all that crazy stuff I used to do without you and in some months you won't be able to do much,I already feel lonely"She said while sobbing a little,her eyes had turned red and puffy because of the crying,I pulled her into a hug"Lisa,you are still young,and I am sure you are going to find the one,if not soon probably someday" I said letting go of her while she wiped her last tears with the sleeves of hoodie.

It was currently Spring,to be precise it was early May.It was a rainy and windy day in Las Vegas so it was kinda cold,I was also wearing a black hoodie that I matched with also black sweatpants and black NIKES, lastly I finished my outfit with a blue hat.

I wanted to be comfortable today because it was going to be a long day.

After I finish saying my goodbyes to Lisa I got inside my car, buckled my seat belt and started the engine.As I was driving I noticed how peaceful the Beverly Hills road was,something unusual.I took a sip of my Chocolate Fraputchino thinking that.My doctor said that I could drink caffeine as long as the drink I bought didn't contain a big amount of it,so Chocolate Fraputchino was it.

As I was getting closer to Taehyung's house when my phone started ringing,I tapped the green button on my cars display so I could answer the call,I didn't look at the caller ID, which was a big mistake of mine.

"Hey Jen, how are you doing?"A familiar voice said,it made me freak out

"Good Chris what's up?"I said as I started sweating,shit shit shit

"Are you okay sis,you sound nervous?"He asked

"I am perfect Chan,just a little stressed"

"Why Jen,is there anything wrong"

"Nah just kinda stressed with work" I said trying to act normal

For those who don't know,I work as an Event planner and sometimes as a personal photographer.I really love my job and I make some seriously good money from it.

"Really,do you have like a big party to plan,or maybe a wedding?"He asked

"Something like that"I said

"Me and Sana were thinking about giving you a visit since it's has been a long time since we met,but it is probably not the right moment"He said with a sad tone

I felt guilty.

"Sorry bro,not the right moment"I said as I parked my car inside Taehyung's house

He let out a sigh

"It okay sis no worries"He said as he sounded happy again

It was amazing how this guy could change his emotions in just a second.

"I have to go now,say hi to Sana from me"I said getting out of the car.

"Bye kiddo"He said as he ended the call

I hate that nickname,classic Chris always teasing me.

I opened the trunk and took out my suitcase,I dragged it all the way to the door where Taehyung was waiting for me,he was holding a cup of coffee and was wearing a fully black office suit, guess he was about to go to work.

I climbed the stairs so I could reach the the main door and enter the house,but he was obviously not being a gentleman"You are not a type to help pregnant women, right?"I said struggling to climb the stairs while dragging my suitcase."You guessed it"he said while taking a sip of his coffee.

"Fuck you" I said when I reached the door and opened it, he didn't even blink neither had any expression on his face.

"From now on Mrs Kim,you belong to me every inch of you, belongs to me.He said while looking at me with lustful and cold eyes.

I chuckled at first but it continued and turned out as a loud laughing,me?! belong to him?!,not even in his wildest dreams."You are joking right?You are so funny"I said while chuckling"He looked at me with a blank expression "I am not going to repeat myself"
he said while drinking his last sip "Look,I do not belong to anyone especially you,why are obsessed with me anyway"I said opening the black door of the house"Stop being stupid" He said while stepping closer to me"Stop being a bastard"I said while crossing my arms,he sighed,"Look girl, cut out being a bitch,I gotta go to work"He said while he descended the steps slowly"Start being a gentleman then"I said talking back"Not happening"He said while unlocking his car"Well then I am not stopping being a bitch"
I shouted enough for him to hear me,and got into the house.

Fuck him.

I have to survive the next 7 months with this bastard,why did I even agree on the first point anyway,shit.


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