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Jennie parked her car outside of Lisa's house,she didn't know how she managed to not crash,she just did.

She made her way through the hall that would lead her to Lisa's apartment,when she reached the door she knocked on it softly and waited for her best friend to answer.

As soon as Lisa opened the door,she recognised that something was really wrong with Jennie,as they stared at each other for some seconds,Jennie walked closer to Lisa and wrapped her arms around her back so she could hug her,she placed her face on top of Lisa's shoulder and started crying.As the first tears steamed down her face,Lisa became confused but didn't ask her anything,she knew that her best friend wasn't in a state of talking so she let her cry on top of her shoulder.

Jennie was a crying mess,she had terribly stained Lisa's white shirt with tears of hers,throughout Jennie was crying,Lisa was rubbing her back trying to make her calm down which had a small affect on Jennie,she needed a shoulder to cry on so desperately.

Almost 30 minutes passed from Jennie crying on top of Lisas shoulder,some minutes later Jennie stopped crying and broke the hug only sobbing a little.Her eyes were completely red and puffy while she also had ruined her mascara"Do you feel any better?" Lisa asked her while holding her hand.Jennie smiled sadly"Not at all,some crying isn't going to change my problems" She said as she walked trough the living room and sat on the couch,Lisa did the same thing and sat beside her while giving her a tissue to wipe the mascara that had stained her eyes.

They spent the next 5 minutes in silence, but Lisa decided to break it with a question"What happened Jennie?" She asked as she couldn't keep it in her anymore,she needed to know.

Jennie thought about the situation she was in. It was only an hour since she found out she was pregnant, and there was so much to think about. She was hesitant to tell anyone until she was sure what she wanted to do, but she also didn't want to hide it from her closest friend. She was thinking that maybe it could help to talk it over with her best friend.

She sighed in desperation,she didn't know what to do,what her reaction would be,would she still want to be her friend after the news she would receive.

"Unnie,I understand if you don't want to tell me what it is,its okay just as you know i am always here for you" She said smiling at me.

I sighed again"Are the things between us going to be the same after i tell you"She asked her.Lisa froze a little bit"Jennie what are you talking about,and yes of course everything will be okay" Lisa said confusedly while raising her voice a little.
Jennie sighed once more."I am pregnant,almost two months" She said finally answering her question,Lisa was left speechless.

Jennie closed her eyes preventing herself from crying again"I know it is a really unexpected thing so feel free to kick me out of your house,I won't judge you" She said as she got up so she can leave Lisa's house but she was pushed back again by someone,Jennie got confused so she looked over Lisa and make an eye contact with her,she was smiling,Jennie got even more confused,she definitely didn't expected this type of reaction,Lisa has always been cheerful but she didn't thought she would try to cheer her up now,"Do you want to talk about it"Lisa said without asking any questions.She knew her too well.Jennie was a person that wanted to be listed not to be asked questions.

After Jennie was done talking to her best friend about how she found out about her pregnancy and who she thought the father was,she felt relieved that she had someone to listen to her problems but on the other hand she felt guilty because Lisa would carry such a secret of hers

"Lisa?"Jennie called out her best friends name"Yeah?" Lisa answered back."Should I keep it"Jennie asked sadly asked her,Lisas eyes widened,"Is that even a question,of course you should and I am helping you out" Jennie giggled at Lisa's answer,Lisa has always been a happy person making people smile in the hardest moments

"So you are going to become a mommy now" Lisa asked while looking at Jennies,unnoticeable baby bump"I guess I am" She signed as she put her palm on top of her belly and rubbed it using slow moves."So are you planning to tell the guy?" Lisa asked,"Well he is the father,he should know but the problem is that i have no information about him" Jennie said as she felt even more confused,she was really in an deadlock."Do you remember what he looked like?"Lisa asked as she opened her MacBook.Jennie thought for a little and she remembered the pleasuring night she had with him almost 2 months ago,of course she remembered him.

He was a tall man with his black hair styled in a middle part haircut,his gorgeous black eyes that stared deeply inside your eyes making you fall for him harder,his perfect looking nose and later on his kissable cupid's bow lips and his excellent V shaped jawline.Moving down to his hard chest and flawless abs making his body even more attractive,his worked out and strong muscles were the ones she got knocked up with,he was just a perfect guy.

This how Jennie described the guy to her best friend skipping all the times that she complimented his appearance.She also described to her how his house was like from the outside and what kind of car he drives,Jennie had a memory of an elephant,she remembered literally everything.

Lisa got up and walked through her kitchen making herself a cup of coffee"Hey,Lis make me one too"Jennie said while scrolling through her phone.A few seconds later Lisa came holding only one cup of coffee,she took a sip out of it and placed it down to the coffee table.Jennie git confused but at the same time annoyed"Yeah!,where is mine?!"Jennie said raising her voice a little.Lisa turned her head and look at Jennies mad face and chuckled"You aren't getting any" Lisa said with a cocky attitude"And why is that"Jennie said while crossing her arms"You are pregnant,caffeine is forbidden in pregnancy girl did you fail biology or something,literally even a child knows that caffeine isn't allowed in pregnancy"Lisa said reminding Jennie her condition.

"Am I really not going to drink coffee for the next 7 months?!,how am I going to survive?!"Jennie said as she groaned,Lisa laughed"Cheer up preggy,we have work to do"Lisa said as she opened her instagram trough her laptop,Jennie rolled her eyes playfully at her best friend new nickname"Are you really going to start calling me preggy?"Jennie asked,"Yeah i will and no one can stop me" Lisa said not taking her eyes off the screen.Which made Jennie frustrated.

         "Time skip in the morning"

Jennie woke up,she had accidentally slept on Lisa's couch yesterday while they where finding information about the guy.

As she rubbed her eyes she saw her best friend with her eyes sticked on top of the  laptop's screen with about 5  empty cups beside her."Lisa?,I called out her name in a sleepy tone" She turned her head towards Jennies direction and smiled,she had black circles below her eyes so that was an indication that she had spent the whole night searching up information."Good morning sleepy head"She said and then yawned"What are you doing?" Jennie asked her noticing her tired eyes"I am searching up information about your daddy,well i am actually done and i can say you are saved girl"Lisa said while smiling,Jennie got up spontaneously from her sit and took the laptop from Lisa's hands only to find a powerpoint with informations.

Kim Taehyung is the CEO of the successful company"The Superior Company"which is a fashion designer Company He lives in the "Westfieldroad" at Beverly hills in Las Vegas.He has a family of a married sister named Kim Jisoo,who is married to the also successful CEO of the"The Prestigious Corporation" a lawyering Company .He is currently single"

Thats everything that that was written in Lisa's powerpoint,Jennie was amazed everything that was written was more that enough than what Jennie wanted to know.

As she turned to Lisa's direction so she could thank her but she only found her sleeping in sitting position,Jennie smiled,took a blanket and placed it on to of Lisa.

She couldn't thank her enough for the work she,she was really thankful.

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