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I was sitting in the living room of Taehyung's house,well I wonder if this is actually a house.More like a castle,sometimes I desperately need a map with a *you are here* symbol on it.

I sighed while looking at my phone "None of these dresses is good enough"I frowned and threw my phone on the couch,but suddenly someone opened the door and got in.

"Oh, you are back"I said annoyed while I grabbed my phone again,Taehyung got in,took his shoes and suit off leaving him with his under black shirt only.

His muscular arms were showing and I couldn't help but to notice his hard chest and abs,he unbutton the first buttons of the shirt revealing his veiny neck,I stared at it a little longer and licked my lips at the view.He raised his gaze and looked at me while I looked at my phone trying to avoid his glare.

*Stupid mind what were you thinking*I thought while slapping my cheek a little,he chuckled,I raised my head and lifted an eyebrow" What is so funny Mr Kim"I said while crossing my arms"The fact you were checking me out"He said while walking closer to me,I got up and started walking away from him"I wasn't checking you out"I frowned as he followed me.

I walked away from him until I reached the end of the room,I stared at the walls for a while until he turned me around and pinned me against the wall,he put his right hand beside me while his left hand was at my head preventing it from hitting the wall"What are you doing"I breathed"Shh princess,don't talk I need to stare at you a little bit longer"He said in a husky voice and which gave me goosebumps,shit he was gorgeous.

His black eyes that started deep inside your soul,he muscular and veiny body,his perfect styled black hair and V shaped jawline,God must really have favorites "Stop looking at me with those eyes"-"What eyes?"He said as he lifted my chin"Also,what's with the nickname"-"You have been treated like a princess your whole life plus you look like one"He let my chin go"You don't know that"I raided my eyebrow"Trust me princess,I know a lot more that you think I do"I smirked,after sometime of silence I yawned.

I was tired,today I finished moving out and the increased pregnancy fatigue wasn't helping,being pregnant is really hard and I hadn't figured it out until today,I put my palm over my mouth,his gaze softened for some reason"Go to sleep,you must be tired"-"I actually am"He let go of me and I started to climb the stairs."Good night Tae"I waved at him as I reached the end of the stairs and walked through the path that led to my room.


Out of all the things I can do,I never thought I would bring myself to touch a woman like that again.

While many people would fall at first glance I wasn't such a fool,love has showed me it's dark side many times and I am not willing to fall for its tricks again.I lifted the wineglass to my lips and started at the ceiling,I was drinking an expensive Monfortino Barolo Riserva wine which I bought 3 months ago when I went to Italy for business,many people don't know that but I am wine lover,I have a whole room in every house I own filled in with a variety of sweet and expensive wines.

Damn,I put my plan over my face,why did I even do that?,why did I look at her lips and thought of kissing her?,why did I even follow my heart and pinned her against the fucking wall?,why?

The only person I've done those things to was,I shook my head remembering the name of the girl"Why the actual fuck",I thought of it a again ,I remember Jennie saying goodnight to me and calling me,Tae.

I smiled at the thought,but then shook my head again,I looked at the wine bottle and raised an eyebrow"I didn't know that such a sweet wine could get me drunk.I left everything how it was and climbed the stairs,and later on entered my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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