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"You are pregnant"

That was the last thing Jennie wanted to hear from her.She wasn't ready to be a mother especially when the father was probably someone who the only thing she had done with him was a one night-stand plus that her family would never accept it.

Her father was a really busy and rich business man,Jennie grew up in a household where her father was absent most of the time,it wasn't that he didn't love his children he was just to busy for them.Her mom was a sweet and caring person,she was always positive and most of the time she was there for her children.According to Jennie the one who raised her and her brother,was her eldest brother,Christopher (Bang chan),he was the one who raised both her and her brother,Kai (Huening Kai),he was always there for them no matter what,he always put above him his little sister and brother,he didn't care if he had to study for an exam,he would first help his siblings with their studies and then he would spend all night studying for his upcoming exam and the last thing Jennie wanted to do is break his trust.

But now it is too late,she was pregnant with a complete strangers baby.

"You can't be serious,right?"Jennie asked the doctor,hoping that everything that was happening was just a joke.
The doctor sighed disappointedly,"No Jennie,this type of machines don't make any mistakes"

Jennie's reaction to being pregnant was indeed very shocking. As the doctor told her, her face went pale and her breath was taken away. Her heart began pounding fast and she felt a sense of disbelief in her mind as she processed the news. She was pregnant, something she never expected to happen. Her thoughts began racing through her head at a rapid pace, making her feel overwhelmed and anxious. It took a while for her to take in this new information, and she was still trying to process it."But how,I was on the pill"She said trying not to cry in frond
of the doctor,the doctor sighed again"The pregnancy controlling pill has a 97% of success and 3% of failure,I guess you were a part of the 3%"Jennie was cussing herself inside,she was really frustrated,out of all this people the pill decided to be fail to her,her thoughts were interrupted by the doctor talking"Are you going to commit and abortion or are you going to keep it?"The doctor asked.

Jennie froze,abortion?,she couldn't commit an abortion taking an innocent's child life would be a really big sin,its like murdering someone,she couldn't do it but she couldn't keep it either she was only 24 years old,she had a whole life in front of her plus that nobody would accept her pregnancy and if there was a way to communicate with the father he would probably refuse taking responsibility,she was screwed,she had really fucked up in life.

The doctor grabbed Jennies had and took it in hers"Jennie take your time to thing it,as a friend I would recommend you to keep it,abortion is a really bad thing,remember i am always here for you if you need anything and..if you decide to keep it,it will be a pleasure for me to be your doctor"She smiled at her and Jennie smiled back"Can I know how far along am I"Jennie asked,she was broken inside she just wanted yo cry and let it all out,"You are 7 and a half weeks" The doctor informed her,"If you are planning on keeping it,I want you to  take a visit so we can check on your baby's heath,the fact that i am letting you go without getting a check up is a big risk,visit me as soon as you reach 8 weeks,also no alcohol,no smoking and don't take any medicine without asking me first"She added.
I smiled at her once more,"okay doc,i am looking forward to listening your advice" Jennie said,she was dying inside right now she just needed a shoulder to cry on,nothing more.

As she got up from the examination table,Mrs Choi arranged an appointment with her for next week,after they said their goodbyes Jennie left the office and started walking through the hospital hall,she took out her phone and went to her saved numbers and called the first number she saw,she put her phone on her left ear waiting for the person to answer.


"Hey girl,whats uppp"The girl said in a cheerful way making Jennie smile a little
"Lisa,can i come over"Her voice sounded broken"
"Jen,is everything okay and yes of course you can come over"Lisa asked in curiosity,she could hear her best friend's broken voice,so she new something was going on"
"No Lisa nothing is okay,i have really fucked up this time"She said as a silent sob left her mouth
"Jennie so you want me to pick you up?"
"No don't bother,I am three roads away from your house, i will be there at 15 minutes"
"Sure Jen,be careful"

She ended the call as she entered the cars parking area,she got in her car,started engine and started driving to Lisa's house.

She was just trying not to cry so that she won't crash,She put her palm on top of her belly and stared rubbing it a little.

"Hello little one,I know you can't hear me but,I promise I won't give up on you,just give me some time to think about some thing's"
Thats how her first conversation with her unborn child ended.....

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