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Taehyung walked slowly outside of his BMW that was parked outside the Superior Company,his company.The man stands with confidence, his broad shoulders draped in a black suit with a pristine white shirt and freshly pressed black pants. The suit is well-tailored to his sturdy frame, and a matching black tie and pocket square are neatly arranged at his chest. His white-sleeved shirt gives a crisp, formal touch to the all-black outfit.

As he walks in his company,every worker in it bows down to him with respect and fear.
"Hello Mr Kim" they yell as he passes by.

He passes a few more workers and walks closer to the elevator gate,he presses the down button and waits for it to arrive.


I got in the elevator pressed the button on the side of the elevator and waited for the door to close.

Until somebody's hand sticked out of the door.Then a woman got in,she was a tall red haired woman with brown doe eyes.

"Sorry"She said as she stepped beside me,I looked at her checking her out,but she noticed

"Am I that pretty?"She said in a playful tone and giggled"What?"I said starting at her"I am not that hard to get*She said returning the stare"You must be new here"I said as the realization hit me"I actually am"She said while giggling"How did you find it out"-"It is obvious" is said stepping closer to her "What do you mean?"-"Where are you heading to" I said as the elevators doors closed"To Mr Kim,you know,our CEO,I am kinda nervous"She said sighing,I chuckled"What is your name?"-"Jennifer Huh" She said looking at my lips"I hope we can get along"She said stepping closer to me"You won't be getting along with anyone"-"And why is that darling"She said wrapping her arms around my neck"Because you are fired"I said stepping back"Only the CEO can fire me"-"Well I am the CEO" I said returning to my stoic expression"Very funny"She said crossing her arms,I searched inside my pocket and pulled out a card with my information in it(CEO. Kim Taehyung).She took it out of my hand and read it.

Her eyes widened while staring at the piece of paper"I am so sorry Mr Kim I didn't know"She said looking at me,I smirked as the elevator door opened"Does it look like I care"I said while taking the paper back"I really need this job,please"I chuckled"If you really needed it you wouldn't be fooling around"Is said getting out of the elevator"Don't forget to leave"I shouted.

As the elevator door closed I walked closer to my office only to find my secretary wait for me"Secretary Irene what are you doing here"I said while wrapping my palm around my office's door handle"Good morning Mr Kim,I just wanted to inform you that Mr Jeon is waiting you inside your office,also you have an interview with Huh Jennifer-"Jennifer?,I fired her on my way here"-"I am not surprised Mr Kim"-"Whatever you want call me" She said walking away.

I opened the door only to see my best and most loyal friend Jeon Jungkook.He was sitting opposite of my office while talking on his phone.

As soon as I got in he turned back and gave me a warm smile which I responded with a smirk.

The man stood in the middle of the room, dressed to the nines in his black suit. The fabric was smooth and shiny, looking like it had been freshly pressed that morning. He wore a white shirt underneath with a small pocket square in his breast pocket. The shirt looked crisp and spotless, the buttons shining just below his neck. The black and white contrast was striking, making him look sharp and professional."Hello Mr Jeon"I said walking pass him and sat opposite of him on my chair."Mr Jeon?,Thats too formal Taehyung, we are in private"He said sitting back again opposite of me"Okay then as you please Jungkook"I responded while taking of my cardigan"What brings you here?"I asked while placing my cardigan on top of the chair.

"I just wanted to talk with you Taehyung,nothing else,so anything new that has happened in your life this past few months"He said while leaning back on his chair-"Nothing important really,I just got a bitch pregnant"His eyes widened"What do you mean?"He said a little surprised"You heard me I got a girl pregnant"-"What did you do after that?"He said crossing his arms"I offered her to stay with me and also co-parenting"He chuckled"You?!Stay with a girl,are you in-love or something"I glazed at him with stoic eyes"Me?"I smirked"In-love?"-"Love is dangerous and I am not planning to fall again for its games"I sighed"Plus I only offered her that so she won't make a fuss over the social media and everything,I am telling you she is crazy"-"She made a scene outside my house and yelled at my bodyguard"-"Damn that girl is really something"-"So you are going to be a dad in some months,show me pic of her"He said.

I took out my phone and showed a picture at him:

"Damn Taehyung you won the jackpot"He said starting at the picture"Why do you even have this on your phone anyway?,Do you like her"He said crossing his arms again"No,I just wanted to know what type of a person she is so I found her social media an...

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"Damn Taehyung you won the jackpot"He said starting at the picture"Why do you even have this on your phone anyway?,Do you like her"He said crossing his arms again"No,I just wanted to know what type of a person she is so I found her social media and stalked her for a little while"I said while putting my phone on top of my desk.

"Taehyung?"-"Hmm"I responded while looking at the piece of paperwork in front of me"Be careful"-
"Of what,I am not scared of anything"I said not raising my gaze,Jungkook got up and fixed his suit"Be careful of falling in love"This time I raised my gaze and looked at him"I will never fall in love again,you know that nobody can make me fall for them no matter what,right?"I said getting a little frustrated with the whole situation.

He got closer to the door and opened it"We will see about that"He said as he left

I was left there dumbfounded because his answer"What the fuck does that supposed to mean"I shouted.

I would never fall in love,never again.


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