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Almost 1 week had passed from Jennie's discovery.Everything that had happened 1 week ago was left as a secret between Lisa and Jennie,for now Jennie didn't want to tell her family,she wanted to reach at least 12 weeks through her pregnancy to tell them so they would believe her.Jennie was deadly sure that she was going to keep the child no matter what her family's and the father's reaction would be,and yes she was going to tell Taehyung about her pregnancy,even though she didn't want to,she needed to tell him,after all he deserved to know ,he was the father of her unborn child,she didn't care what his reaction would be,she just wished he wasn't a jerk.

Jennie was lying on top of the medical table for the 2nd time this month but this time it wasn't for her to have a check up,she was there to check up on her baby just like Mrs Choi had adviced her to do.

They talked about many things with Mrs Choi,such as,how her hormones will change and she will start to have stronger emotions,how her stomach will get bigger in the next months,her weight gain,how it is forbidden for her to lift heavy things and also to smoke,drink and have sex."Do you have any questions Jennie"Mrs Choi asked,"No,not at all Mrs Choi"Jennie responded while her eyes sparkled "We will be committing an ultrasound ,so we can make sure your baby is healthy " The doctor said while writing something on a notebook,she got up,took some kind of tube and looked at me "I am going to apply this gel on top of your belly,I am warning you it is cold"

Before I could even say something the gel was on top of my belly and its feels gave me goosebumps,she made circles around it using the transducer while looking at the display which showed a black and white picture.As she continued to do circles she stopped when she found something which was the baby,"This is your baby"She said circling the black and white thing that had the shape of a peanut.

That was my baby,my creation it was so tiny but still so adorable,there was actually something growing inside of me. I thought while staring at it.As the doctor continued talking I wasn't paining attention at all,I was distracted by what the display showed,I started to fall in love with the thing I was looking at,my baby...

"Do you wish to hear your baby's heartbeat?"My eyes sparkled hearing her question,my childhood dreams where coming true ,not exactly the way I had imagined them though,but they were still granting my desires.

As a child I always wanted a family and while growing older and finding out where do babies come from and what is its procedure my desire became bigger.Having your husband by your side and crying your first tears while hearing your baby's heartbeat beating,kissing your partner out of happiness and everything a pregnant couple would do,being clingy to each other,the man helping the woman with her needs and the excitement of feeling the baby move in her belly and her partner putting his palms on top of her bump to feel the baby.

Unfortunately she couldn't have all of that,it was her mistake after all.She may knew who the father was but he would never agree on taking the responsibility and even if he did she wanted to be a true love and not just a co-parenting,she was convicted for life.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud heart beat sound filling the cold aura of the room.*tuck tuck tuck*,that is what she was hearing while she falling more deeply in love with the sound,it was beautiful and it felt like a melody in Jennies ears.

She slowly closed her eyes trying to enjoy every beat she was hearing as much as she could.Her heart started bouncing,Jennie put her palm on top of where her heart was beating so she could stop it but she was to pleased hearing her unborn childs heartbeat that she didn't care about anything else.

As the heartbeat sound fated away because of the doctor turning off the machine Jennie opened her slightly teary eyes and looked at the doctor.

"Your baby is completely healthy Jennie,congratulations!"The doctor said giving a warming smile to Jennie and she returned that smile trying to make it warmer.

Mrs Choi gave a napkin to Jennie so she could wipe the gel out of her not-noticeable baby bump.Well not actually "not-noticeable" because her stomach had already started to get bloated but you couldn't tell she was pregnant though,only if you knew about her pregnancy you would be able to notice the changes but if you were just a close friend and just stared at her stomach you could just imagine she got slightly fatter and thats it.

As her belly was all cleaned up,Jennie put her shirt back on and zipped her jeans,the doctor had advised her to stop wearing skinny jeans and clothes that were too tight and try to wear more comfortable and baggy clothing which Jennie looked forward on doing.

Her whole closet was felled with crop-tops and reviling clothes,so that wouldn't be a very easy thing for Jennie to do but if she wanted to be sure the baby was healthy and make her pregnancy a secret for now she had to listen to the doctor, plus that in the following months she would need a whole new wardrobe with clothes because of her weight gain.

She signed at the thought.

"I will be giving you a pack of vitamins you have to take every day to stay healthy,also I forgot to mention,don't you dare go on a diet if you feel bad about your weight gain,before you take medicine call me and if you have any struggles make a visit "

Jennie just nodded,she was hearing everything the doctor said making sure to not miss anything,she wanted the best for her and her child,it would just be a bit hard for her to be accepted by her family and tell the father just so she could take the weight and guilt off her shoulders.

"Next step,tell the father"she said quietly to herself while rubbing her belly.

Hey guys long time no update😅
I was busy with studying for my exams so i had no free time to write,if you want more chapters make sure to vote and comment.


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