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Taehyung's POV

I have experienced a lot of things in my life but I've never imagined a random lady would turn up to my house and tell me she is pregnant with my child,but I guess it was true.Many people would normally say why did I denied the fact she was pregnant,even though I believed it was true,I just like to make people uncomfortable and anxious because that's the reason nobody has never staned a chance against me,well at least after the thing that made me change my whole personality.So I guess,it is just a custom of mine.

But there was something that didn't seem right, something that made me have an actual conversation with her,more like an argument but it still made me talk to her.I would normally just walk away because I don't get distracted but things I don't give a shit about, especially women. I don't care about women, neither trust them but that doesn't mean I don't respect them.I have a mom and a sister,those are the only women I trust.

A few years ago I was diagnosed with Hyperthymesia.It is a so called ability that allows be to remember every event of me life with great precision.To every single one I told this,they have called me lucky but I don't actually think It's and ability neither that I am blessed,It's more like a curse.Remembering every detail of everything it is just terrible especially for some moments you don't want them to exist at all.

But those eyes,that body and this black straight hair,I definitely remember it.I remember all the women that I have had sex with but this one was different.I actually enjoyed the fucking with her.I only fuck from behind and call my pleasures names.But she was different, the first girl I fucked from the front in a really long time and didn't call her names,the only thing that we were doing is enjoying and exploring each other.I still remember her moans,well of course I do.That sexy body of hers below me, is the hottest scene I have created so far,and I am proud of it.

Now she was in front of me,same girl that actually pleasured me two months ago,is telling me she is pregnant with my child.

She turned her back at me and walked closer to her car.She was driving a white Toyota.A pretty expensive car based on her hobbies.But literally nothing compared to my wealth.Her black hair slipped through her shoulder and reached her back.She was about to get in the car but I was fast enough to grab her wrist before she could even step in the car.

"The fuck you want man!Are gonna tell me again it's all fake!I don't give a shit what you think just let me leave,like you wanted me to do a while ago!"

Her answer was kinda loud but I didn't care,I didn't really had any face expression on my face so it impossible to understand that I was annoyed.But I needed to talk with this girl,I have no trust in women but something inside me, was telling me to listen to her.

"Get inside the house" Those were the only words I could think to say at the moment,my brain literally couldn't go any further,I was really shocked by the whole thing but didn't show it, nobody knew about my feelings,not even my family.

Jennie's POV

"Get inside the house".My heart skipped a beat.I turned my head so I could look at him.His black beautiful but dead eyes looking in mine"What did you say?"I asked him with a little bit of hesitation.He let go of my wrist and looked at me again but this time,he leaned in and whispered in my ear "Don't make this hard for me darling, just follow me inside so we can have a talk"I could feel his hot breath against my skin which gave me a little tickle inside my belly,like a butterfly was moving around.He started walking ahead of me and left me behind, standing like a stone.

"Are you coming?" He shouted ,I flashed out of my thoughts and followed him inside his house.I didn't really notice anything inside his house,I was only focused on him,he called me darling.The butterfly in my belly flew faster.Damn.

I've got to admit that his house was really impressive,and big,like really big.He pointed his finger to the black leathery sofa that was standing beside us,I went and sat on top of it.It was really comfortable compared to how I was feeling,no words and no one could describe my feelings at the moment,not even me.

After he left his office bag on the floor he came and sat on the black armchair,that was just a few steps away from where I was sitting.He lifted his gaze so he could look at me,those clear black eyes still killed me.

"What did you wanna talk about"He asked me"I already told you everything already, I am pregnant with your child for two month's,you saw the proof and I believe you believed me"He looked at me and then to my belly.My belly wasn't bloated,well it was but you couldn't notice it even if you were a close friend, I am the only one who spotted the differences in my body and my personality changes,he didn't say a word"I'll take it as a yes" my ego had no time for shyness"I see.."he said crossing his arms and leaning back on his chair while closing his eyes,he sighed."What do you think I should do?"He asked making it look like he was in a deadlock,but he surely wasn't, people like him are never in a deadlock"Well I am keeping the child,like it or not,also I am not expecting you to take responsibility,I just felt that you should know there is gonna be someone out there in some months to have the same DNA as you"I said in a little bit too confident way "Can you afford all of that stuff?" "Pardon?"I said as I got offended by what he said"You don't look like someone who has the money to afford a pregnancy neither a child's raising"He said while cracking his fingers,I got really offended by what he said"Yes I do have way more than you think" he choked down a laugh"Look girl,I may not trust women but I respect them a lot and for only that reason,I am taking responsibility"

I got really shocked by his announcement"What?!"I asked while raising my voice up a little"I am not a coward,I don't hide myself behind my finger,It was my fault too,anyway" He said while taking his suit off leaving him with only his shirt,his muscles popped out of it and you could see his mascular,big, attractive arms."I also have an offer for you Mrs Kim"He said seductively"I am listening Mr Kim"I said while crossing my arms too"I suggest we live together"My heart skipped a beat again"In that way,I can have bodyguards around you to protect you and keep an eye on you,make sure you are healthy so I can keep my future child healthy, I want you to follow every rule your doctor gives to you.But I have to inform you that I am a really busy man and I don't return home until late afternoon"He said using his husky voice"This whole thing is happening clearly for the sake of that child growing inside of you and for nothing else, during this pregnancy I don't want  any feelings for each other and any other thing that includes us being together with the exception of your pregnancy needs ,we can even try co-parenting if you want but that's it,no love between us, passion or flirting, do we have a deal"He said while standing up making his abs show a little, living together with Kim fucking Taehyung sounds like a really bad idea,but for the sake of my child I had to do it,the fathers role around pregnancy is a very important thing to women, especially in my condition"Agreed" I said without blinking with a straight face,he gave me a little smile as he got up and went to the kitchen so he could grab something from it,but I was lost in my own thoughts.

Me living in the same house as Kim Taehyung sounds like a crazy idea,and he seems really harsh and cold,I grew up in that type of childhood where my father was cold all the time but there is an advantage,I know how to handle people like my father.

Next chapter at 8 votes and after <3

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