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It has been two months since Jennie and Taehyung had their affair.Jennie has stopped lately going out to clubs and hooking up with random guys,she also stopped drinking alcohol too,there is a strange feeling inside her,telling her to stay away from all that stuff,she always tries to ignore that feeling but it is just impossible for her.

Right now she is at her room dressing up so she can take her visit to her gynaecologist.She goes there every 6 months to check how her body is doing.

As she wore her clothes she went to her mirror and stared putting light makeup on her face.

Jennie is wearing a comfortable and stylish outfit. She's wearing a comfy and loose-fitting t-shirt that is the perfect color to match her skin tone, and her jeans are a flattering cut on her. She has accessorized with a pair of stylish black boots and a chunky necklace, completing her outfit in a fashionable and comfortable way.She always tried to be comfortable around doctors not only because she wanted to feel less stressed but she also wanted to make the doctors check up easier for both of them.

As she finished dressing up she picked up her car keys.She locks up her apartment and walks to her car, entering it and driving to the hospital. She takes the same road she always does, but today something feels different. She feels heavier , as if a burden has been lifted on her shoulders. She drives in a calm and collected manner, taking deep breaths and focusing on the road. When she arrives at the hospital, she parks her car and walks inside.

She makes her usual way outside her gynaecologist office,as she sat down to one of the chairs outside the office she took of her phone and stared scrolling through her instangram.She found posts of her friends posting about how much they need a true lover which put her into deep thoughts.
Did she really need someone for her,someone to truly love her and not only use her for a one night-stand then leave her and after that never tried to try to reach her again.Beverly hills is a really big city in LV so it was almost impossible for someone to bump into someone who they have met before.

Maybe, she needs someone like Jimin, Roseanne's boyfriend. She needs someone who is sweet, caring, and thoughtful. Someone who can make her feel loved and safe. Someone who will treat her as an equal and never try to control her or take advantage of her.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice calling her name.
"Jennie kim!" Someone called out her name,it was the doctors nurse,Taesan.

I got up and took my purse.Before i got in the doctors office i greeted him by giving him a little smile and he did the same.

I entered the doctors office and saw my gynaecologist looking at some piece of paper.
"Hello mrs Choi" she quickly lifted her head up and smiled at me
"Hello Jennie long time no talk"

I took a sit in one of the chairs opposite of Mrs Choi's desk.
"So Jennie how have you been,anything that is bothering you" She asked the usual question she asked all the time
"I am doing just fine and as always nothing is really bothering me"I said making myself calm down a little"
"Okay then you wouldn't mind walking into the the medical room"She said pointing out on her left side where the medical room was.

I got up from my sit and stared walking through the medical room. There I saw various of machines and tools that only a doctor would be able to use.I walked closer to the examination table that sat in the centre of the room and lied on top of it.

I started having goosebumps,I really didn't know the reason at all,even though I have been through this multiple times this time it just felt different.
Mrs.Choi sat beside me."So Jennie do you have any problem recently,something specific that I should check" She said in a playful way,"No,not at all" I answered her,"Okay,today i will be committing an ultrasound to see what's going on inside your vagina" She said as she put on her gloves."I want you to take off your jeans and after you do that lay back on the bed".I nodded affirmatively to her and I did as she said.

Jennie was sitting on the exam table in Mrs Chois office, nervous and nervous about having an ultrasound done down there. The doctor came into the room and started the process, using the ultrasound machine to map the inside of her body and check for any signs of abnormality. As the doctor moved the probe around inside her, she could feel her heart beating fast and a sense of nervousness rising inside her. The whole process felt very personal and delicate, which made her feel awkward and uneasy.

Mrs Choi stopped the ultrasound and looked at Jennie with some fear in her eyes"Is everything okay doc"Jennie asked as her voice started to stater a little."Jennie i am going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer me truly".I nodded letting her know i was okay with it,i had a really weird feeling and the goosebumps hit me again,I gulped some of my saliva as I started feeling anxious."When was the last time you had sex?"Mrs Choi asked me,I froze as the question was too personal,i gulped again and tried remembering the last guy I hooked up with."If my calculations are correct,two months ago"I answered her remembering that night at that bar with that guy two months ago."Have you been having any weird feelings such as,nausea or fatigue lately?"She asked again,my eyes widened,I have been feeling quite tired lately but I just thought it was because of working and there have been times where I felt dizzy without any specific reason"Yes I have been feeling quite tired lately"I answered her.
"OKAY I AM REALLY GETTING TIRED OF THIS ,CAN YOU JUST TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON"I lost my temper and shouted angrily at her,I couldn't keep on answering any more questions i just wanted to know what is going on.

The doctor flinched,she wasn't expecting this type of reaction especially from Jennie but she kept her patience and gave her what she wanted to hear.

"You are pregnant"

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