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"How did it go?"the girl over the phone asked with a curious and kinda excited tone."It went good,my baby is all healthy!"Jennie said with a little smile dressing her lips while she rubbed her slightly bloated belly"I am glad Jen,so are you going to tell the guy now?"

She opened her car using her key and got in it,she sighed sadly"Jen,are you there?"the girl on the phone asked"Yeah I am here Lis,just thinking"Jennie said to her best friend while putting her phone on speaker "Don't think about it too much,save your little IQ you need it"Lisa said while laughing unstoppably.

Jennie chuckled a little while rolling her eyes playfully"Don't forget I have two brains now"She said in a bitchy way,which made Lisa stop laughing,"Well at least i can drink alcohol and caffeine"Jennie groaned hearing her best friends comment,Jennie was literally obsessed with caffeine and alcohol but since she was pregnant she couldn't drink any.

As Jennie started the engine,she started driving while talking nonstop with her best friend trying to take her mind off  her problems.The busy roads filled with colorful cars and annoying drivers that honked at each other, helped in that too.For a moment Jennie was lost in her thoughts, she thought about the night she had with Taehyung and the most unforgettable one that was going to chase her for life,she smirked remembering the hot night, all the moans she made  were like music in her memory,but she didn't knew why she felt like that, she had sex with many guys before but she knew it was just a one night stand and that's it,nothing more"maybe it's just the pregnancy" she thought while hitting her head a little.

Time Skip

She was outside Taehyungs house,she remembered every detail very clearly and the memories she made there, the car,the sex,the message, everything. She gulped while  checking out the mansion the well known CEO had.

It was a massive three leveled modern mansion, with a big and green backyard filled with a variety of flower,a pool at the front and many many many cars.She was kinda nervous but her bravado didn't allowed her to show it off,so she got of the car and started walking close to the gate so she could ring the bell,when a hand pushed her slightly.

Jennie's POV

"Sorry miss,but you can't go in there"The man said,he was wearing a black suit and he was as big as a bodybuilder could be so he was obviously his body guard, he was wearing black glasses and he was bald, definitely his bodyguard."Sorry sir but I have to talk to the owner of the house" I said trying to be polite"I am sorry miss but I am not allowed to let you in,if you want to talk wit Mr Kim you can try visiting his company, the name of the company is-""I know what the name of the damn company is, this is urgent, like really urgent"I said stepping back a little and putting my palms on my waist"Sorry miss I am only allowed to let specific people in and I haven't seen you in my life so you know, not happening" He said crossing his arms"Look big guy, I am not playing here I just want to talk to him-""I told you miss I can't do anything without his permission,so please do me a favor and get the hell out of here I am trying to do my job""Okay then let me speak to him"I said crossing my arms too, I was getting really frustrated from the whole situation"He is not at home","Oh come on now big guy am not trying to cause any trouble but-"

"What seems to be the problem here"I tall guy said while walking towards us,he had the same middle part hairstyle and dark black hair, wait this looks exactly like-"Nothing Mr Kim this girl just wanted to see you but I didn't allowed her to come in"He looked at me with his cold black eyes, the same eyes of that night, the same eyes that left me pregnant, fuck, he is still fine as fuck, thought while checking him out, he was wearing a black suit so he probably was at work"Hey young lady, fuck off"he said while passing by me and hitting my shoulder, that was rude"Young lady?!We probably have the same age,watch your attitude man!" before i could even finish what i was saying he"My house my rules, can you just go I have work to do"He said unlocking the gate so he could go in"Hey Taehyung, this is really important so if you could just listen to me-""I DON'T TRUST PEOPLE YOUR GENDER, ESPECIALLY FUCKING STRANGER'S"He said shouting at me, damn that guys has some really bad anger issues which mach his cold aura, what did he even mean with people that are my gender, the fuck.

He stared at me with a black expression"Just fuck off" he said and I was really pissed with this whole situation so I just"Look man I don't know about you and  the only thing I came to tell you is that I am pregnant and it is yours, believe it or not, we met at a bar two months ago and had sex at the back seat of your black BMW.If you don't trust me here is the proof"I said and gave him a brown package with all the papers that proved I am pregnant and how the baby's condition is  was there was also a little photograph of the baby in it so I can prove it to him.He didn't had any reaction even when he saw the paperwork,but I really didn't care I did what I had to do so that's it,I am done"How do I know you are not lying"He said while he still didn't had any expression on his face, he just looked at me blankly"Oh trust me there are guys out there more handsome than you and more way more nicer that you, you know what, I am done,I did what I had to do,now you know there is someone that is related to you growing inside me, bye forever bastard"I said while having a bitchy expression on my face but my words didn't even made him blink, but I don't care, yeah don't really give a fuck.

I was about to go back to my car and leave when someone grabbed my wrist"The fuck you want man!Are gonna tell me again it's all fake!I don't give a shit what you think just let me leave,like you wanted me to do a while ago!"I said while mocking  and shouting at him at the same time I was really mad at this jerk"Get inside the house"he said coldly without any emotion but  what he said, actually took my attention.

"Get inside the house"

Next chapter at 7 votes and after<3

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