16. Need

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"It's quiet today." Vaera whispered, as if she couldnt add to the noise in the quiet capital. She held her tea up in her hands, her knees tucked into her chest, cup close to her chin, breathing in the rising steam. 

"I suppose." Gregor agreed. He burped out and Vaera giggled. 

"Are you drinking ale for breakfast again?" Vaera questioned. 

"Aye." Gregor answered as if that was a stupid question, of course he was. 

"Lets get you some real food, the capital has fine chefs, not as good at the rock- oh Gregor, are there any messages from my father?" Vaera pondered. 

"If you want to go, we go." Gregor countered. 

"I dont want him coming here and me being gone." Vaera countered. 

"I will check and bring back some food." Gregor offered getting up. She nodded, her fingers tracing around the rim of her glass, feeling the fine detailing, the etching in the cup as she soaked up the morning sun.

"Ser Gregor." He grumbled turning towards the queen. "My father sent a raven-"

"Vaera was just-"

"For you." Cersei countered. Gregor grabbed it from her staring down at the words. His lips twisted. "You leave tomorrow." Cersei informed him. 

"What about Vaera?" Gregor mumbled fisting the decree. 

"My father needs you, Vaera loves our father." Cersei countered. "She would want you protecting him and helping him get back our brother.... I will keep an eye on Vaera." 

Gregor hesitated and Cersei saw the mental dilemma running through his thick skull. 

"We can even assign your brother to her temporarily-" Cersei offered but Gregor snarled back at her, Cersei turned her cheek just slightly and his snarl dropped. She was the queen and she would be shown some respect. 

"No." Gregor barked. "Vaera needs-" me. She needed him and he needed her but damn it he couldnt say that. He grit his teeth instead. 

"Then get the job done quick."

Cersei liked seeing him squirm even if it was just slightly, so vaera was his weak spot, his sensitive spot. Cersei was sure he didnt have one but after seeing him with Vaera the past moon, she knew how Gregor felt even if he didnt know how to say it or show it. 

"I will protect Vaera, she is my sister." Cersei reminded him. "She is family. Not to worry. But do tell her you are leaving in the morrow, give her time to mentally prepare for your absence." Cersei suggested, Gregor marched off but not to tell Vaera what was coming. 

"Cookies? You shouldnt have." Vaera mused. "But you really should always come with cookies." She murmured through a mouthful of cookie crumbs. 

"I just wanted to make you smile." 

"You always make me smile." Vaera assured reaching out for him but he took a step back, he needed to put some distance between them while he was heading off, he didnt know how long he would be gone and he didnt want to be craving her touch more than he already was. 

"I... will get you some milk." Gregor offered marching back out. Vaera leaned back letting the cookie drop to the plate. That was strange she couldnt help but think as he headed out. 


"Where is Robert going?" Vaera questioned. 

"HOw can you tell Robert is leaving?" Cersei countered curiously. 

"He grunts when he walks." Vaera answered "plus I hear them... Renly and... Barristan." she leaned her ear to their voices. 

"Remind me not to keep secrets from you." Cersei teased. 

"Well? Where is he headed?" Vaera questioned again. 

"A hunt."

"A hunt? HIs hand is bedridden, Tyrion is stolen, Jaime is who knows where and he thinks it a good time for a hunt?" Vaera countered. 

"Thats the king for you, but we wont have to deal with him for long" Cersei assured. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Has ser Gregor spoken with you?" Cersei countered instead. 

"About lots of things, all the time." Vaera agreed with a cheeky grin. 

"What about a raven?" Cersei clarified. 

"Did father write? He didnt tell me, must have gotten side tracked- not that i dont love being here, but I miss home." Vaera added quickly. 

"Of course but no." Cersei countered. "Father is getting Tyrion back and... he wants Gregor's help." 

"Help? What do you mean?" Vaera couldnt comprehend what Cersei was telling her because she didnt want to lose Gregor. 

Things I Wish You Said / Gregor Clegane / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now