S01 EP15: Plan to Kill the Demonic Hero

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The scene begins at the "Richest Cup Café, where the poor pour for you!", where Stella and Stolas are sipping tea, giving each other glares while Stella's brother, Andrealphus, looks on.

Stella: Stolas.

Stolas: Stella.

Stella: C*nt.

Stolas: Witch.

Andrealphus: Aurgh!

Stella: *slams hands on table, gets up* FUCKISH. IMP. SUCKER!

Stolas: Why did you insist on meeting me here?

A tiny imp server pours tea for Stolas. Stolas looks at his phone that says: "Reminder: Deal @ Ozzie's set".

Andrealphus: Ahem! We wanted to properly discuss the terms of this divorce. I feel my darling sister deserves a bit more... compensation. After all, you did CHEAT on the poor thing. Surely, you owe-

Stolas: Andrealphus, cheating implies there was a betrayal. This woman never gave two shits about me or our very much arranged marriage. As far as I'm concerned, this divorce is far overdue.

The imp server looks out to see Bombproof is seen racing toward the glass window.

Stella: Up yours! *flips Stolas off*

Andrealphus: *groans* Stellaaa, for fuck's sake, stop making this harder to bullshit!

The window breaks, revealing Striker posing on a table. He discards his poncho and twirls two angelic revolvers in his hands. He fires one and the bullet hits the window near Stolas' head. Stella grins evilly at Stolas as he dodges more bullets. He flies out toward the exit. Striker wraps Stolas in glowing white rope before he can escape. Stolas falls to the ground in an alley, captured.

Stolas: Oh, dear...this is worrisome.

Striker laughs, but suddenly, the roof breaks open, revealing to be Y/N.

Striker: What the?

Y/N (Demonic): Hiya, fellas.

Stolas: N/N!

Y/N jumped down and landed a solid punch against Striker's face, forcing him to wake up.

Striker: Damn that Y/N...! *clenches fists*

Meanwhile, at Asmodeus' palace, in which we then see his bedroom, Fizzarolli and Asmodeus are sleeping together in the same bed. An alarm clock shaped like a rooster with an erected penis goes off, which wakes up Fizzarolli. He literally punches the clock and stretches his arms out to the kitchen, scaring a laundry succubus wearing an apron and matching black lingerie and knee-high boots, destroying a chandelier, and pours himself some coffee. But, he burns himself so he takes the whole pot back, passing the same laundry woman from before, making her twirl in place, and sets it on a desk. He stretches out and grabs one of his hats, and stretches. Fizzarolli grabs the coffee and drinks it, before putting it back and jumping above the bed while reaching for the curtain bars as he stretches towards Asmodeus to wake him up.

Fizzarolli: Rise and shine, Ozzie!

Fizzarolli shakes an airhorn and blows it, startling Asmodeus, who lays back down.

Fizzarolli: *laughs*

Asmodeus: *groans* Ugh, again with the horn?

He turns in bed, covering his head with his pillow.

Fizzarolli: Don't blame me, blame how fuckin' fun they are!

He blows the airhorn again.

Fizzarolli: M'kay, SO! Today you have a meeting with the distributor about the new shipment of vvvibrators. Then you gotta host a safety meeting because of what happened with the old shipment of vvvibrators. And then, you have a nooner with Prince Stolas.

HAPPILY EVER HELLBOUND: The Demonic Hero (Hazbin Hotel x Helluva Boss Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now