S01 EP06: Truth Seekers

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The next day, Y/N was seen at the Happy Hotel, lying down on the couch, daydreaming. Finally, after so long, Y/N and Loona are dating. And thanks to that, both of them have never been happier than they have ever felt. Right now, Y/N was seen smiling as he thought about Loona.

???: You seem very... cheerful.

Y/N looked ahead to see Charlie.

Y/N: Heh. I am. In fact, I'm more than happy. No words can describe how I feel, right now.

Charlie: *smiles* I'm glad to hear that.

Y/N: ... Hey, Charlie, I know that I'm pushing things, but... If Loona and the others decided to... move here to the Happy Hotel... Is it possible that me and Loona can... share the same room?

Charlie: ... Well... I don't... see why not. Are they gonna come over?

Y/N: Honestly? I don't know. I hope so. ... Hey, Charlie? Is this a natural thing between lovers when they're in a relationship?

Charlie: Can you be... descriptive?

Y/N: Well, when me and Loona are together, we don't anything to come in between us. Like, we wanna stay together because we enjoy each other's company. Not have a care of what's going on between us. We... wanna stay inseparable. Is that normal?

Charlie: Umm... Look, I don't have experience with much and I'm not good at giving people advice, but I'll do what I can.

Y/N: ...

Charlie: ... Look, it is normal for lovers to not wanna be separated, but sometimes, they gotta stay open-minded. Be mindful of their surroundings. And try to focus on surviving as a team. Your love for Loona is natural, so you're more than welcome to pay attention to each other, but when there's things that need to be done, there's always enough time to stay with each other.

Y/N: Right. And I understand that. Believe me, I do. I figured I'd ask.

Charlie: Well, when the time comes and Loona decides to wanna move here, I'll be sure to allow you to share your room with Loona. Besides, your bed is queen-size, so it can hold two people.

Y/N: Heh. Lucky me.

Charlie: Yep. Indeed. I mean, it's like people say. Love works as mysterious as God works

Y/N: Yep. ... Wait a sec, Lucifer's your father, right?

Charlie: Yeah.

Y/N: And God is Lucifer's father... Wouldn't that make God your grandfather or something?

Charlie: ... Huh. I didn't think about that.

They then heard knocking at the door.

Charlie: I'll get it.

Charlie walked to the door and when she opened it, Loona and the others were there.

Charlie: Hi there. Can I help you with something?

Blitzø: Uhh... Yeah... Is Y/N here? We wanna talk to him.

Charlie: Why? He's not in trouble, is he?

Blitzø: No, it's the other way around. We're in trouble and we need some help from N/N.

Y/N: *in distance* Blitzø, is that you?! Hold on!

Soon, Y/N appeared and gasped as he saw Loona.

Y/N: L-Loona! Hey!

Loona: ... Hey, N/N...

Y/N: ... You seem distressed. What happened?

Blitzø: *laughs nervously* Funny story... We, uh... got evicted.

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