S01 EP04: Murder Family

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It's been days since Blitzø fired Y/N from his job at I.M.P. and nothing has been the same. On Y/N's side, he was seen still awake. Y/N barely slept well after he had to leave Loona. All Y/N could feel was betrayed and angry at Blitzø for doing what he did. Y/N then sat up from his bed and barely said a word as he got freshened up, got dressed, and walked out the door. He walked through the hallways and as he did, he looked on his phone and looked to see thirty-five unread messages and 10 missed calls from him to Loona. Y/N felt his heart hurt due to the fact that she hasn't responded to him. He hated what Blitzø did, but in a way, he understood why, but it doesn't excuse him to do what he did. So, like before, he put his phone away and continued onward. When he got downstairs, he got to the bar.

Y/N: *tiredly* Give me your strongest.

Husk: Geez. You look awful.

Y/N: And since when did you suddenly care? You don't care about anything but yourself, so stop pretending that you're worried about me, you heartless cunt!

Husk was taken back by Y/N's sudden change in behavior. Nonetheless, he did what Y/N asked and handed him a beer. After Y/N gulped it all down, he destroyed the bottle and walked away.

Husk: ...

Niffty: Is he okay? I've never seen him like this.

Husk: Beats the hell outta me.

Niffty: And I thought you were even worse, Husker.

Husk: I'm sorry, what?

Niffty: Nothing!

Y/N walked up the stairs and began making his way back to his room.

???: Y/N, wait!

Y/N stopped and turned around to see Charlie.

Y/N: The fuck do you want, Charlie?

Charlie: N/N, what's wrong with you? It's like you've become a changed person.

Y/N: No shit, Sherlock.

Charlie: Is it because of what happened at your job?

Y/N: ...

Charlie: N/N, please, talk to me. I wanna help you.

Y/N: You really wanna help me? Then, back the fuck off and leave me alone, bitch!

Charlie: N/N!

She tried to reach out to Y/N, but Y/N glared at Charlie and Charlie recoiled her hand and backed away from him in worry.

Y/N: I know that you wanna help me, but please, I... I wanna be alone and I do not want to be disturbed. So, please, do me a favor and don't let anyone come to my room. *walks away*

Charlie: N/N...

Y/N continued to walk away from Charlie and entered his bedroom

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Y/N continued to walk away from Charlie and entered his bedroom. After he collapsed onto his bed, he pulled out his phone and looked at a photo of him and Loona at Loo Loo Land. Seeing it only brought deeper sorrow to him. After casting his phone aside, he continued to lie in bed, sniffles were heard from Y/N as he began to cry. He clenched his fists against the bedsheets and buried his face in his pillow as he cried and let loose his tears. Meanwhile, on Loona's side, after everything that happened at Loo Loo Land, Loona has not left her room, at all. Due to the fact that she doesn't have a phone anymore so that she can't reach out to Y/N, she was left with nothing but despair and loneliness. As she continued to hide away in her room, she heard her bedroom door knock.

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