Chapter 2

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// Lily //

I tried to find my Phone to stop the annoying sound of my alarm clock, and groaned into my pillow. After a long weekend of packing bags, moving here, meeting new people, i was tired.

I slowly got up, and saw that Mali was still fast asleep. It was Sevon O'clock, and i took my toiletry bag and two towels, and walked to the bathrooms.

 I walked in, checking if no one was there, and than i quickly undressed, and stepped under the hot shower.

I washed my hair and body, and got out, before other people came.

I blow dryed my hair, applied my make-up, and got dressed into black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, with my white converse.

I walked back to our room, and found Mali on the floor, doing her make-up in front of the mirror.

''Morning!'' She smiled, and messed up with her eyeliner.

I laughed, saying goodmorning, and sat down on my bed, as i watched her doing her make-up.

''Stop watching me.. it makes me uncomfortable.'' She says, and i turn around.

''Sorry.. i just like it to see how other girls do their make-up.'' I explain, and i grab my Phone, to see five missed calls from my mom.

I dial her number, and bring the Phone to my ear, waiting for her answer.

''Hey mom.. you called! how are you?'' i asked, the moment she picked up.

''I'm good sweetheart, how are you? how is your roommate?'' She asked, and i smiled.

''I'm good.. my roommate is horrible..'' I said, trying not to laugh. Mila threw her hairbrush at me, and i laughed.

''Kidding mom, she's very nice, when she's not throwing things at me..'' I say.

''Lil, are you okay?'' My mom asks, and i can hear the concern in her voice.

''Yes mom, i was kidding.. she's very nice, you'll meet her soon..'' i say.

My mom talks about her work, my dad, stuff like that, and i interrupt her.

''Mom, i actually have to go to class.. it's my first day, and i don't want to be late!'' i say, and my mom laughs.

''Sorry babe, goodluck, and i hope to see you soon.'' She says.

After saying our goodbye's, i get up from my bed, and grab my bag, and wait for Mali.

''Ready?'' I ask, and she nods. ''Yes ma'am.'' she says.

I laugh, and together we walk to the principal, to get our schedule, and see that we have every class together.

''This could get interesting.. our first period of every day is history, and we have that with my brother and his friends!'' Mali says, and she gets pretty excited about this.

''Well, let's go then.'' I say, and push her towards our classroom.

I sit down by the window, and Mali sits down beside me.

''Morning Cal-Pal.'' Mali says, and i look up, to see Calum walking into class, being followed by his friends.

''Morning Mali-Monkey.'' He smiles, and sits down behind us.

''Morning to you too, Lily.'' He smiles, and i wave at him.

The teacher walks in, tries to get everyone in silence, and i turn around to concentrate.

During the lesson i feel someone poking my sides, and i look at Mali, who's concentrating on something the teacher says.

I turn around, and see Calum smiling at me.

My Roommate's brother || Calum HoodWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu