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The night breeze that was once warm was now colder, especially with the heavy rain pouring down upon the city. A normal night for those who had no major plans or just others having an unexpected turn of events.

On one hand, there were people like Gwi-Nam with his gang of friends making fun of one of their victims, Lee Byeong-Chan's son, Lee Jin-Su, on top of the rooftop of a shop. Four against one was never fair but they didn't care or seem to want to be fair to the teen before them. They enjoyed the times they got to push him around and make him do things he didn't really want to do. They enjoyed the thrill of having power over the weakened.

Son Myung-Hwan stretched his hand out. "Hand." He commanded.

Jin-Su was hesitant before doing as he was told and giving him his hand. Scared of what they would do to him.

Myung-Hwan grabbed his hand. "So you slit your wrist huh? You wanted to end things? I heard you wrote about me and what we've done to you in your little suicide note."

Gwi-Nam watched as Son Myung-Hwan, the head of the small group of four, hit Lee Jin-Su on the head.

"So you wanted to end things and wrote about what I've done?!" He asked out loud over the sound of rain.

Kim Hyeon-Ju and Park Chang-Hoon, two of the other bullies, watching from the sidelines as Gwi-Nam took over. Hitting the teen over and over again. Unaware that Jin-Su was the carrier to a deadly virus that his father had created as a way for his son to defend himself against them.

Being under the influence of the virus Jin-Su got up and charged back at then. For a split second the virus took control over him and his body as he tried to bite into them.

The three guys in the group fought him off one another as Jin-Su got back up everytime. It wasn't until Gwi-Nam shoved him off the roof on accident that they could get away.

Gwi‐Nam was shaking from what he had done and bolted with the others. Lying about how it had made him feel. Not wanting to look weak in front of them. Especially knowing how they could be.

On the other hand, there were people with things happening out of the heat of the moment like a somewhat confession and a very heated night. For example, Lee Su-Hyeok and Song Min‐Jung. They were supposed to be on a study session at her house since she'd be home alone with her step-father and mother usually coming in later at night due to work. Her older twin brother being out for the day with his friends since he had already studied.

Min-Jung was quietly tapping her pencil against the table as she focused on their studying before working on one of the problems before her. She wanted to get a good score on the exam again. Unaware of the teen male glancing at her instead of studying. Leaning his chin on his palm as he admired her. Her features still and a bit serious.

"Mimi?" He asked as he moved his gaze to her work before gazing back at her. Thinking of something else.

"Hm?" The female glanced up. Setting her pencil down slight and faced him. "What is it?" She asked.

"I'm stuck on this one. Can you help me figure it out?" He asked as he pointed to the one he had trouble with. Shifting in his seat and moving closer to her.

Min-Jung glanced at the problem before explaining it to him. Writing small and easy instructions on a post it for him before sticking it to his work. "There you go." She smiled at him kindly.

Su-Hyeok, however, wasn't focused on homework anymore as he glanced at her. Reaching over as he placed a strand of hair behind her ear. Smiling when he brought color onto her cheeks. The light blush seemed to fit her as his eyes met with hers.

"W-what are you doing? Focus on your work or you'll never pass." She scolded shyly.

"I can't." Su-Hyeok mumbled as he moved another strand behind her ear from the other side. Turning to face her completely.

"Su-Hyeok. You're going to fail the upcoming exams if you don't focus. Get back to studying."

"I already did enough work for the day. That should count as something."

"You got some wrong."

"I'll fix them later with your help." He mumbled as his hand moved to her chin. Lightly having a hold of it as he examined her. His eyes scanning her features.

The two stared at each other for a while. Neither moving as they got lost in each other's gaze.

Su-Hyeok broke the eye contact first. Leaning forwards and closing his eyes when he kissed her.

Min-Jung was a bit shocked about the kiss. After all, it had been her first kiss with anyone ever as she was still for a second before closing her eyes as she kissed back when she got the hang of it. Her hand faintly sliding up his chest to his face and resting on his cheek. Being gentle towards him as she shyly stayed with him.

Su-Hyeok liked how gentle she was with him as he shifted closer in his seat to her. His hands resting respectfully on her waist without doing anything she might not like or want to do.

It didn't go unnoticed by Min-Jung who had really appreciated the small gesture from him. She knew he wasn't the mean guy he used to be the year before when he hung out with the wrong crowd. That he had been changing back to who he had once been known as and she liked that.

Pulling apart from the kiss with a small pant he cuffed her cheek in his hand. He wanted another kiss with her. However, he wouldn't do it again without knowing if she even wanted to. "Do you want to-?"

"I want to." She spoke lightly.

The rest of the night was no longer filled with pencils scribbling answers on paper or the sound of rain hitting the roof and windows of the home.

It was filled with two teens sharing more than a kiss that night and spending the night together with no one catching them. Unaware of the paths they would have to face later on.

Once they had their moment. They got changed as she let him stay the night. Having him borrow some spare clothes her brother or father had laying around that they didn't use anymore before going to sleep.

Su-Hyeok had his arms around her with a small smile adorning his lips as she stayed in his hold. Feeling safe and secure as she snuggled close and doze off.

He was comfortable around her as he placed his chin on her head. He liked the moment that they had and wouldn't have changed anything. Caressing her cheek as she slept before he dozed off himself.

He was aware that she had let her parents know ahead of time he would be staying the night. Keeping a secure hold on her for the rest of the night.

𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬 ➤ 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐮-𝐡𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐤 Where stories live. Discover now