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"Su-Hyeok. We have class." Min-Jung spoke as she held his hand.

"The bell is going to ring in like two minutes and I have to use that time to ask you something." Intended on keeping her focused on him compared to what Mr. Lee had done earlier.

"What is it then?" She asked.

Su-Hyeok smiled as he liked the secluded area he had picked. "No one should be able to hear us here."

Min-Jung listened as she glanced around and gave a small smile. "So, what did you want to ask?"

"I was going to ask what your answer was."

"My answer to what?" She asked jokingly.

"To my confession this morning."

"I was joking. I know you've waiting. Makes me want to keep you waiting for that answer."

"I don't think I can keep waiting." He rubbed her hand gently in his own.

Her hand stayed on him before she smiled. "Alright then. Listen up."

Su-Hyeok stood up straight as he nodded. "Yes, ma'am." He spoke teasingly.

Min-Jung giggled as she glanced at him before rubbing his hand gently. "Lee Su-Hyeok. I like you very much. I always have and it will never change." She spoke. Taking her name tag out of her pocket before placing it in his hand and closing it into a fist.

Su-Hyeok smiled as he glanced at his closed hand before glancing at her. "I accept your confession."

"You mean I accept yours?" Min-Jung asked teasingly.

His laugh filled her ears as he pulled out his own name tag and placed it in her own palm.

The name tag felt almost surreal to her before smiling as she held it with both hands. "So I guess that means we are dating now."

"We are. Which means that you are now my girlfriend." He replied as he wrapped her arms around her neck. "We should go on a date after school today."

"Where do you want to go?"

"Well.. what about that cafe near Cheong-San's restaurant?" He asked.

"Sounds good. I hear that place has a lot of good pastries." Hearing the bell ring. "Which reminds me that we should go eat but before that.." She leaned up and confessed another secret she had been keeping from him.

His eyes grew wide before turning to her. "Are you..?" He asked.

Min-Jung nodded as she nervously glanced at him. "Are you mad?"

"No. I'm overjoyed to hear that." He smiled at her.


Min-Jung had a small smile as they walked into the cafeteria. Waiting in line for their lunch before going back to their normal table in the meantime to wait for the others.

Eating her food as she hummed in delight before seeing the others joining them as she waved eagerly. With the others joining them with their lunches, excluding On-Jo and I-Sak.

"You two are always here first." Gyeong-Su complained. "Where are you going this time?" He asked.

"Well.. I do want to practice my archery." Min-Jung thought about it. "I saw this new trick I wanted to try."

"You and that mind of yours." Gyeong-Su chuckled. "I'll never understand it." He teased.

"And you never will." Min-Jung teased back.

𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬 ➤ 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐮-𝐡𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐤 Where stories live. Discover now