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      AFTER RICK SPOKE TO JIM, HE LEFT THE RV AND told everyone that he requested to be left behind. Jim explained that his bones felt like glass and he knew he wouldn't make it to the CDC.

      "It's what he wants," Rick said.

      "And he's lucid?" Carol asked.

      "He seems to be," Rick replied. "I would say yes."

      "Back at the camp, when I said Daryl might be right," Daryl said. "You misunderstood. I would never go along with callously killing a man, but I was just gonna suggest that we ask Jim what he wants. And I think we have an answer."

      "We just leave him here, we take off?" Shane asked. "Man, I'm not sure I could live with that."

      "It's not your call," Josie replied before she looked in between Shane and Rick. "Either one of you."

      Rick and Shane both went into the RV and carefully helped Jim out, leading him up the hill and laid him against a tree. Josie watched a few feet away with the others as she held Parker close to her.

      "Hey, another damn tree," Jim smiled.

      "Hey, Jim," Shane said as he knelt in front of him. "I mean, you know it doesn't need to be this."

      "No, it's good," Jim shook his head. "The breeze feels nice."

      "Okay, all right," Shane nodded and stood back up, then he stepped away from him.

      "Just close your eyes, sweetie," Jacqui said as she knelt in front of him. "Don't fight."

      "Jim, do you want this?" Rick asked as he held out a gun toward him.

      "No, you'll need it," Jim shook his head. "I'm okay."

      After that, they all headed back to their vehicles, Parker sat next to her mother at the table. Josie noticed that something was off with her, so she placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder.

      "You okay?"

      "It's not fair," Parker replied.

      Josie sighed and nodded. "I know it isn't. Try and get some sleep, okay?"

      Parker nodded and laid her head on her mother's lap, Josie sighed again as she ran her fingers through her daughter's hair, trying her best to comfort her.

      After a while, they made it to the CDC and Josie woke Parker up as she stood up and grabbed her bow and arrows. The brunette pulled the quiver over her head and shoulder, placing an arrow in her bow as she exited the RV.

      The smell of rotting flesh hit her nose, she scrunched her face up in disgust and leaned down next to Parker. "Pull your shirt over your nose and mouth."

      Parker did what she was told as Rick came to the front, taking the lead. Josie quickly followed behind, her eyes landed on the dead walkers laying around the place. Once they made it to the doors, Shane banged his fist against the door and tried to open them. Nothing happened, except for the echoing of the metal.

      "There's nobody here," T-Dog said as he looked around.

      "Then why are the shutters down?" Rick asked.

      "Walker!" Daryl got everyone's attention. "You led us into a damn graveyard!"

      "He made a call," Shane defended him.

      "It was the wrong damn call!" Daryl shouted as he shot the walker in the head with his crossbow.

      "Shut up!" Shane snapped as he shoved Daryl. "You hear me? Shut up, shut up!"

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