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JOSIE AND DALE BOTH KNEW THAT GLENN WAS HIDING SOMETHING and they were gonna find out what it was. They approached him from behind, hearing Shane talking to him and him coming up with excuses to get out of the gun training.

      "Yeah, Josie said she would teach me how to shoot a bow," Glenn nodded. "I just gotta find her."

      Shane nodded with a confused look, his eyes landing on Josie and Dale behind him. Josie smiled and crossed her arms. "You found me."

      Glenn glanced behind him and sighed, knowing he was caught by not only Josie, but Dale too.

      "He's a good learner," Josie then said.

      "All right," Shane nodded as he got in the car and drove off.

      "Haven't I already taught you how to shoot a bow?" Josie asked with a brow raised.

      "Yeah, I think so," Glenn nodded. "Maybe, probably."

      Dale and Josie both shared a look, hearing his rambling before Dale looked back at him. "Okay, spill it."

      "Spill what?" Glenn asked.

      "You're hiding something," Josie replied.

      "I'm not hiding anything," Glenn said.

      "You definitely are," Josie replied, giving him 'the' look.

      "Jo, please don't do that," Glenn begged.

      "Do what?" Josie asked with a smirk.

      "Just tell us," Dale said.

      Glenn sighed in defeat. "Fine, but you can't tell anyone else."

      "Your secret's safe with us," Dale promised.

      It took Glenn under two seconds to say; "Lori's pregnant and the barn's full of walkers."

      Josie's eyes widened. "What, does Rick know about either?"

      "No, it's called a secret for a reason," Glenn retorted.

      Josie was keeping a close eye on Lori as she cooked breakfast, then suddenly Josie saw her block her nose and stand up to walk away from her. Well, that definitely confirmed what Glenn said was actually true.

      The brunette stood up and followed after Lori, seeing her finishing throwing up. "Hey, you okay?"

      Lori looked at her and cleared her throat. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Totally, fine."

      Josie signed and sat down next to her. "You know, when I was pregnant with Parker, I couldn't stand the smell of bacon."

      "So?" Lori asked.

      Josie gave her a look. "Come on, I know the signs of pregnancy. As a pregnant woman once, you can't fool me."

      "Let me guess, Glenn?" Lori raised a brow.

      "Yeah, that too," Josie nodded.

      Lori sighed. "I told him not to tell anyone."

      "Come on, what did you think was gonna happen?" Josie asked. "You're gonna start showing soon anyways."

      "I can't have a baby," Lori said. "Not now."

      "We'll figure it out," Josie replied. "I'll be by your side every step of the way, don't worry."

      Lori smiled. "Thanks."

      "Yeah, of course," Josie nodded. "But you do have to tell Rick soon."

      "I know," Lori replied.

      After talking with Lori, Josie went to go and check on Daryl. The brunette walked up the small hill to Daryl's tent and when she arrived, she pulled the flap up.

      "Hey," she greeted.

      "Hey," Daryl replied.

      "How're you feeling?" Josie asked.

      "Like I got shot," Daryl replied.

      "Makes sense," Josie said as she sat down next to his cot and then noticed the book in his hand. "You're reading a book?"

      "Yeah, but there's no pictures in it," Daryl replied sarcastically.

      "Aw, that's a shame," Josie teased. "Where'd you even get that?"

      "Andrea," Daryl replied. "She came and apologized for shooting me."

      Josie raised her eyebrows. "She apologized with a... book?"

      "Yeah," Daryl shrugged.

      Daryl and Josie spent the rest of the evening talking about random things until Parker came to get her before it got dark, they both said their goodbyes and headed towards their tent.

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