Sooryavanshi mansion. 
Living room.
A boy was talking with his mother....
Vedika Sooryavanshi.

Vedika: Laksh so you are leaving tomorrow right....

The boy is Laksh Sooryavanshi.
Laksh: Yes mumma... maybe I will be in town for 1 year... I will complete my studies and come back..... and mumma I was thinking maybe I should take Di with me....

Vedika: Raha won't go beta.... My daughter is completely broken....

Rajesh: Laksh we can't force her.

Laksh: Mom dad she has to move on! All her life she can't be his widow...

Vedika: Laksh

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Vedika: Laksh... she loved him.... She still does...Laksh I really don't want to talk about this.... This is the first time I saw my daughter broken like that.... since then their isn't one day she smile. She never smile.

Rajesh: Enough okay.. we will talk with her...

Laksh sigh...
Vedika thought about the day Raha came home in tears.... Rajesh look at his wife and he knew what she was thinking.


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Vedika Rajesh and Laksh were having their dinner.... Raha was in town for her studies...

They heard the doorbell....
Rajesh went to open the door. As soon he open the door Raha hug him and cry.

Raha: papa mumma. ....

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