Raha Apartment.
Raha: Arnav...

Arnav throw the photo frame in anger... making Raha flinch...

She look down and was shock to see the picture of her and Arnav when they were in college.

Arnav: what is this Raha! How do I know you. Please say something! Why are you lying to me! WHY!

Raha flinch..

Raha: Please don't yell.

Arnav sigh.
Arnav: I am sorry.

Raha look down.
Raha: i don't know what is this photo... I am leaving! Stay her for today.

Raha was about to go out Arnav held her hand and pulled her to him... he pinned her to the nearest wall.

Arnav: Stop lying! Tell me the truth Raha! The truth.

Raha: Leave me Arnav! Yuvaan must be waiting for me!

Arnav: I don't give a damn about Yuvaan! Tell me how are we related to each other!

Raha: I don't know! Leave me!

Arnav touch Raha cheeks gently.
Arnav: I am begging you...

Raha: Arnav....

Raha phone start to ring...
They both look at the Id caller and saw it was yuvaan.

Raha: Let me answer this call..

Arnav: No! I won't leave you till you tell me the truth Raha! You are stuck here with me....

Raha: Arnav stop! What's wrong with you! I don't know where did this picture come from.

Arnav laugh!
Arnav: Do you think I am stupid Raha! TELL ME RA! WHY CAN'T WE TALK YOU FAMILY ABOUT ME RA! I know we are still young..

Raha look at him confusedly..
Arnav faint..
Raha was shock.
She hold him and lay him on her bed.
Raha: Is his memory coming back.
Raha hold his hand gently.

Arnav Raha room.
Arnav: I really want to get marry to you Raha. I love you...

Raha: Arnav my family won't accept our relationship. We are still young baby...

Arnav: but I love you Raha. I want you to be mine...

Raha: I am sorry Arnav. My family won't accept you... or our marriage.

Arnav: Why because I am not rich!

Raha: what nonsense are you talking huh! Because we are still in university

Arnav; And? TELL ME RA! WHY CAN'T WE TALK YOUR FAMILY ABOUT US RA! I know we are still young.. BUT WE CAN CONVINCE THEM! you don't want to tell them anything..

Raha: Arnav please. You have to listen to me... we can wait for some more years right.

Arnav: Right! Take every decision by yourself!
Arnav left.
Raha sigh.

Flashback end.
Whenever we are talking Arnav is saying something he say to me in the past. Is it a good things...

Raha leave Arnav hand and went to hide every picture in the penthouse as she doesn't want to hurt Arnav...

Raha came back to the room and saw Arnav sitting.
Raha: Are you alright?

Arnav: What happen to me Raha..

Raha: Nothing... you faint.... Are you alright.

Arnav: I don't know Raha... I keep seeing a girl in my mind but I can't see her face....

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