Oberoi mansion.
Living room
Arnav look at Shivaay..
Arnav: We will have to stop this wedding... I will do anything to stop this wedding.....

Shivaay; Arnav....

Arnav: What! Her life will be ruin Bhai!

Shivaay: Yes. You are right....

Arnav: I am tired. I am going to my room...

Shivaay: Okay. Let's go.

Arnav and Shivaay walk to Arnav room. Arnav open the door and he was shock... so was Shivaay...

They look at Ansh and Rhea in each other arm and they were kissing.


Rhea and Ansh separate themselves and look at them shock.

Rhea: Arnav...

Arnav: Shut up! WHAT THE HELL ANSH!

Shivaay: Ansh Rhea what is happening...

Arnav: You are having an affair behind my back...

Rhea: No...

Arnav; WHAT NO! I saw everything with my eyes! DON'T FUCKING LIE! argh!

Arnav open his drawer and hand Rhea some papers.
Arnav: Here sign this!

Rhea: No.. I can't Arnav!

Arnav; I say sign this. I won't stay with a cheater.

Siya and Gauri came hearing all this noises.

Siya: What's happening!

Arnav: You daughter in law is cheating on me with my brother..

Siya look at Rhea and Ansh.
They both look down...

Arnav: I don't even know why I was trying everything to save this marriage! I am giving you 5 hours to take all of your things out of this room!
Arnav left angrily..

Shivaay: Wow Ansh.. how could you... I never thought you would do something like this..

Rhea was crying..
Gauri: Don't need to cry now Rhea! It's all your fault! Let's go mom.

Siya and Gauri left. Shivaay also left.

Rhea hug Ansh and cry.
Ansh: I am with you Rhea. Don't cry. Bring you things in my room.

Rhea nodded.
They both take all of Rhea things and bring it in Ansh room...

Near a lake.
Arnav walk and look at the sky... he saw a bench and went to sit... a girl was sitting beside him..

He could hear the girl weeping...
Arnav look at her and was shock.

Arnav: Raha..

Raha wipe her tears and look at him..

They look at each other with a lot of emotion...

Raha stand up and was about to leave but Arnav hold her wrist...

Raha: Leave me...

Arnav: Why...

Raha look at him confusedly.
Arnav: why did you look at me with hate and betrayal. Why?

Raha look down...
Arnav: Tell me Raha! Say something.

Raha: Leave me Mr Oberoi..

Arnav: What Mr Oberoi Mr Oberoi you keep saying. Call me Arnav...

Raha: What's wrong with you? We are stranger! So I won't call you by your name!  Leave me...

Arnav: Raha... what did I ever do to you! Please say something! Tell me! Talk to me? Everyone is hiding something from me! Why do I feel you are hiding something from me too?

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