Raha apartment
Raha: I don't know what to tell you Arnav. I can't say anything right... please sleep...

Arnav: Stay with me... don't leave me... please.

Raha phone start to ring again....
Arnav look at the phone..
Arnav: What does he want! Don't answer.

Raha: I am not! Don't worry....
Arnav sleep on Raha lap....

Arnav phone start to ring...
Raha answer the phone seeing Shivaay name.

On the call.
Shivaay: Arnav please come back home now... everyone is worried...

Raha: Shivaay Arnav is with me.

Shivaay: Raha?

Raha: Yes... he is sleeping. Don't worry he is fine. I will drop him home safely tomorrow.

Shivaay: Okay thank you Raha... please take care.

Raha: Thank you. Bye.

Shivaay: Bye.
She cut the call
Raha send a message to Laksh informing him she won't come back home today...

Raha place Arnav well on the bed... she was about to stand up but Arnav held her hand tightly....

Arnav: No... no! You won't take her from me.... No!!!

Raha look at Arnav...
Raha: is he having a nightmare.

Arnav: No... I will be the one that will marry her....

Raha: Arnav wake up... please...
Raha wake him up.
Arnav look at her.

Arnav immediately hug Raha.
Raha: What happen mon... Arnav?

Arnav: I don't know... I was seeing something... Yuvaan and I was talking... he was fighting with me?

Raha: for how many years do you know Yuvaan?

Arnav: Since we were kids.

Raha was confused. When she was friends and then dating Arnav she didn't heard anything about Yuvaan...

Arnav: but something happen that make me hate him so much...

Raha: okay Arnav sleep now.

Arnav: stay with me.

Raha nods and lay beside Arnav. He takes her in his arm and hug her. Raha look at Arnav face emotionally. After so long she was with her monkey... even though he doesn't remember her she can feel his love for her.

Raha kiss his forehead... and hug him back. She miss him...

They fall asleep in each other arm.

Next morning.
Laksh was waiting for Ragini.
He saw Ragini coming.

Ragini walk to him...
She look at his bruises and touch it gently. Laksh hissed.

Ragini: i am sorry. It's all my fault. I should have open my mouth yesterday. I am such a bad friend.

Laksh hug Ragini.
Laksh: Calm down. It's not your fault okay... it's okay I understand you Ragini...

Ragini hug Laksh back as she was feeling safe in his arm.

Laksh; don't need to feel bad. It's okay. I want to tell you something and ask you something...

Ragini look at Laksh...
Ragini: Yes. What happen?

Laksh: since the first day I saw you I started to like you ragini. It was like love at first sight. When these girls bully you I couldn't see that and I even got revenge for tou.

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