Arnav and Raha sat at a cozy corner table in the dimly lit hotel restaurant, the soft glow from the candle on their table casting a warm light on their faces. The restaurant's ambiance was a perfect blend of elegance and intimacy, and the soft strains of a live violinist in the background added to the romantic atmosphere. Arnav looked across the table at Raha, her eyes sparkling as she smiled, and he felt a surge of affection. He reached across the table, taking her hand in his.

"This place is amazing, Arnav. You always know how to pick the perfect spot," Raha said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

"I'm just glad you're enjoying it," Arnav replied, his thumb gently caressing the back of her hand.

Their waiter approached, placing their dishes on the table. The aromas of the freshly prepared food wafted up, making their mouths water. As they began to eat, their conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by laughter and shared memories.

Suddenly, Arnav's phone buzzed on the table, the screen lighting up with a familiar name. Rhea. Arnav's ex-wife.

Arnav's face tightened for a moment before he forced a smile. "Sorry, I should take this. It'll just be a minute."

Raha nodded, though she couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension. She knew about Rhea, but they had never discussed her in detail.

Arnav picked up the phone and walked a few steps away from the table. "Rhea, what's up?"

"Hello, Arnav," Rhea's voice came through with a saccharine sweetness that set Arnav on edge. "I just thought I'd call and check in. It's been a while."

"Yes, it has. But now isn't really a good time. I'm in the middle of dinner," Arnav said, trying to keep his tone polite but firm.

"Oh? Dinner? With Raha, I assume?" Rhea's voice took on a mocking edge. "How sweet. I just wanted to remind you about the good times we had together. It's such a shame to see you with someone else."

Arnav's jaw tightened. "Rhea, this isn't appropriate. I'm going to hang up now."

Before he could press the end call button, Rhea continued, louder, ensuring her voice would carry. "I hope she knows what she's getting into. You were always such a handful, but I guess some women like a challenge."

Arnav hung up abruptly, feeling a wave of frustration. He took a deep breath and returned to the table, trying to compose himself.

Raha looked up at him, her eyes searching his. "Is everything alright?"

Arnav forced a smile. "Just Rhea being Rhea. Nothing to worry about."

Raha raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "It sounded... intense. Do you want to talk about it?"

Arnav sighed, running a hand through his hair. "She called to stir up trouble, that's all. I'm sorry it interrupted our evening."

Raha reached across the table, her hand finding his. "It's okay, Arnav. I trust you. But if there's anything you need to talk about, I'm here."

Her words and the sincerity in her eyes eased the tension in Arnav's shoulders. He squeezed her hand, grateful for her understanding. "Thank you, Raha. I don't want anything to ruin tonight."

Raha smiled, her fingers intertwining with his. "Then let's not let it. We're here, together, and that's what matters."

Arnav nodded, feeling a renewed sense of calm. They resumed their dinner, the interruption by Rhea fading into the background as they focused on each other, the warmth between them rekindled. The rest of the evening passed in a blur of laughter and shared stories, the bond between them growing stronger despite the attempted disruption.

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