At night
Sooryavanshi mansion...
Rajesh and Vedika Sooryavanshi open the gate of their mansion..... while Laksh look at them with a smile while Raha was sad.

They all went inside.
They look around the house.
Laksh: Omg dad. That house is just wonderful.... There is pool... a gym room... a lot of rooms... this is so big! Much more big than our own house....

Rajesh smile....
Laksh: papa maybe we should stay here forever...

Vedika: I think he is right.
They smile.

Raha: mom dad tomorrow I am going to office.

Vedika and Rajesh nodded and then Raha went in her room.

Laksh smile.
Laksh: Mom that's amazing! She is going out. She will meet new people and make friends.

Vedika nodded with a smile.
Vedika: Now you! Go to sleep! You have to wake up early...

Laksh nodded...
Laksh: Good night...
He left....

Vedika and Rajesh look at each other.
Vedika: i hope Raha find someone and move on Rajesh. I am sad to see her like this...

Rajesh: Don't worry Vedika. She will fine... everything happen for a reason..
Vedika nodded and hug her husband...

Hotel room.
Rhea were sitting on the couch and Ansh were sitting in front of her...
Ansh: What did you say to Bhai....

Rhea: I was out for a meeting....

Ansh: Did he call...

Rhea: Ansh you Bhai doesn't care for me! He isn't interested in me! I don't even know why he marry me...

Ansh: Why did you marry him Rhea! WHY! Why did you marry him if we were both in love with each other and in a relationship....

Rhea: Ansh. It was my mom and dad decision... I couldn't defy them....

Ansh: just make Bhai sign the paper then after that we will left this house together....

Rhea nods....
Ansh hug her tightly.
Ansh: I love you...

Rhea: I love you too....

Oberoi mansion...
Arnav Room.
Arnav sat near his window and look at the moon.
Arnav: Why it doesn't feel right.... Why can't I connect with Rhea! Everything feel wrong...

Arnav sigh....
Arnav: Something is missing in my life... or someone... but who....

Arnav automatically walk to the cupboard and open the drawer and take out the picture he saw in the morning....

He look at the girl picture..
Arnav: What is pulling me toward you... who are you....
Unknowingly Arnav tears fall on the photo...

Arnav: What's wrong with me.....

Arnav immediately hide the picture in his pocket hearing his elder brother shivaay...
He look at him...

Shivaay: Arnav... what happen? Is everything okay?

Arnav: Bhai... please tell me something truly....
Shivaay look at Arnav.

Arnav: Bhai... before Rhea was their someone else in my life?

Shivaay look at him....
Shivaay: No?

Arnav: before my accident?
Arnav: No Arnav.... You should sleep okay... where is Rhea?

Arnav: She won't be home today.... She has to work till late.

Shivaay nodded.
Shivaay: Please go to sleep.
Arnav nodded and sigh....

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