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Sooryavanshi mansion.
Raha and Vedika look at Rajesh and Arnav coming.

Raha smile seeing Arnav with her parents...

Vedika: We are happy to meet you Arnav.

Arnav; I am also so happy aunty..
They smile.

Raha: Papa mumma i need to talk with Arnav privately. We are going to my room.

Vedika and Rajesh nodded.

Raha and Arnav left...

Vedika: I am so so happy for her Rajesh. Finally... Arnav seem to be a good boy. I like him for her.

Rajesh: He is Vedika... I am gonna call Yuvaan parents and tell them the wedding is cancel....

Vedika nodded.
Rajesh went to call them.

Raha room....
Raha and Arnav enter inside the room...
Arnav look around with a smile.

The room is simple just like Raha is.

Raha look at Arnav..
Raha: This is my room...

Arnav smile...
Arnav: It's beautiful.

Raha: Thank you...

Arnav walk to the wall... and look at the photo frame.
Arnav touch the photo frame... he notice a photo frame... it was Raha and him... but his face wasn't show....

He smile....

Arnav saw the bangles on Raha table....
Arnav: These we're the bangles I bought....

Raha: Even if you haven't got your memories in your heart you knew I like this colors Arnav...

Arnav held the bangles. He held Raha hand gently....
She smile looking at him.... Raha was feeling butterfly.

Arnav slide the bangles gently in her wrist...
He kiss Raha hand gently......

Raha take deep breath...
Arnav move his lips on her arm..... he then move his lips to her collarbone.

Raha: Arnav...

Arnav: What?

Raha: Someone can come?

Arnav: And.. it's my right angel. I am your husband.

Raha smile.
She shivers feeling Arnav lips on her neck.... She held Arnav hand tightly.....

Raha: Arnav....

Arnav: Yes angel...

Raha: i have miss you so much. Can we talk?

Arnav stop immediately and look at her.
Arnav: of course... everything okay Raha.

Raha: I just miss you Arnav...
Raha hug him immediately....

Arnav sigh and hug her back...
They both sit on the bed. Arnav make her sit on his lap.... She look at him...

Raha: For these three years did you and Rhea have done something... have you kiss her... have you...

Arnav put his finger on Raha lips
Arnav; Shushh....  I have never touch Rhea! It always felt wrong... for these three years we never sleep on the same bed... I couldn't accept her Raha...

Raha look at him emotionally...
Arnav: And you? After all these years you wait for me...

Raha: of course Arnav... I thought you womt ever come back... I have decided I won't  love anyone apart you...

Arnav: You really love me.. don't you?

Raha: Is that even a question. I love you so so much....

Raha phone start to ring. Raha and Arnav both saw it was Yuvaan...

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