Oberoi Mansion
Shivaay Anika room.
Shivaay: Anika, I've been thinking a lot about our future lately. I really think it's time for us to start a family.

Anika: Shivaay, we've been over this. I'm not ready for a baby. I have my career, my independence...

Shivaay: But Anika, a baby would complete our family. We have everything else—wealth, success, but there's something missing.

Anika: Missing? Shivaay, I don't feel like anything's missing. I'm happy with our life as it is.

Shivaay: But think about how amazing it would be to bring a child into our lives. To see them grow, to experience that unconditional love...

Anika: I understand that, Shivaay, but I'm just not there yet. And I don't know if I ever will be.

Shivaay: Are you saying you don't want children at all?

Anika: No, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying I'm not ready right now. Can't you respect that?

Shivaay: I'm trying to, Anika. But it's hard when I feel like you're shutting down my dreams.

Anika: Your dreams? What about my dreams, Shivaay? What about what I want for my life?

Shivaay: This isn't just about my dreams, Anika. It's about us, our future together.

Anika: Well, maybe our futures don't align as much as we thought they did.

Shivaay: Are you saying you don't see a future with me anymore?

Anika: No, I'm not saying that. I just need you to understand that having a baby isn't the only way to have a fulfilling life.

Shivaay: But it's what I want, Anika. And I thought you wanted it too.

Anika: I'm sorry, Shivaay. I can't change how I feel.

Shivaay: Maybe we need some time apart to figure things out.

Anika: Maybe we do.

The tension in the room is palpable as Shivaay and Anika exchange one last, heavy look before retreating to their separate corners, both wondering if their marriage can survive this fundamental disagreement.

Rhea and Ansh in a Private room.
Rhea: Ansh, darling, I know our situation is complicated with my divorce still pending with Arnav, but that doesn't mean we should put our lives on hold.

Ansh: I understand, Rhea, but I don't want to cause any more tension within the family.

Rhea: Ansh, listen to me. This is about your future, our future together. You deserve your fair share of the family business, regardless of what's happening between me and Arnav.

Ansh: But won't fighting for my shares only escalate things further?

Rhea: Not if we handle it delicately, Ansh. We can approach it strategically, without causing any unnecessary drama. And once we secure your rightful place in the business, everything will fall into place for us.

Ansh: I want to believe you, Rhea, but I'm worried about the repercussions.

Rhea: Trust me, Ansh. I wouldn't lead you astray. We can navigate this together, and I'll be there every step of the way to support you.

Ansh: Okay, Rhea. I'll do it. I'll fight for what's mine.

Rhea: That's my brave Ansh. Together, we'll make sure you get the recognition and respect you deserve.

Ansh watches Rhea as she nervously fidgets with her fingers, her eyes occasionally darting towards the clock.

Ansh: Rhea, what's going on? You seem really tense.

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