Sooryavanshi family.
They were all having dinner. Raha smile looking at everyone. She couldn't believe that everything was true. Arnav was sitting beside her...

Arnav phone start to ring...
Arnav look at the call id and sigh..
Arnav: Excuse me...
He gets up and walk outside...Raha look at him confusingly...

Laksh look at him...

Vedika: Ragini you like the food?

Laksh: Of course she like it mum... look how much she is eating...

Ragini glared at him..
Ragini: You... and aunty did you know what laksh told me today. He told me that the food wasn't good today and also at college she doesn't eat the food you prepare for him... he buy food...

Vedika was shock and Laksh glared at ragini.
Vedika: Laksh is it true..

Laksh look down.
Laksh: no mom. I don't know what she is talking.

Ragini: Aww liar!

Raha smile looking at their playful bater...

Vedika: No more lunch for you Laksh! I will send for you ragini beta.

Ragini: Thank you aunty. You are the best...

Laksh: Ragini....
He whispered.

Ragini smile innocently at him...

Raha was looking around... Arnav still didn't come.

Arnav answer the call...

Arnav: What do you want Rhea!

Rhea: Where are you? Why are you not home!

Arnav: What's wrong with you! I am no one to you. You don't have the right to question me...

Rhea: Basically you are still my husband Arnav... and our divorce is not official. I have the right to know here is my husband right....

Arnav: Ex husband! And please look for my brother Ansh and not me!

Rhea: For three years we have been married Arnav.... Won't you try to save our marriage?

Arnav: Be for real Rhea.. I know Raha for more than 5 years... and why will I try to save a marriage... you were the one that's was cheating on me..

Rhea: If I didn't cheat on you... would you stay with me..

Arnav: No! Raha is my everything... I will never betrayed Raha!

Rhea: You already betrayed Raha Arnav! Did you forget that day! Oh right you were drunk...

Arnav realized what she was talking about...
Arnav: Don't you dare talk about this! It was just a mistake. We were both drunk.

Rhea: And! Did you tell this to Raha...

Arnav: I should I tell her that! I don't want to hurt her okay! So you better shut your mouth!

Rhea: It was the best night of my life....

Arnav: Aren't you ashamed! Don't you love my brother?

Rhea: We were drunk Arnav. It's not my fault...

Arnav: leave us alone... don't you dare say anything to Raha! I will tell her myself...

Rhea: Okay... baby...

Arnav: Stay in your limits Rhea!
Arnav cut the call and delete the call!
Arnav: I can't let Raha know about this! She can't know about that night!

Arnav sigh and was about to go inside but his phone ring again and it was an unknown number....

Arnav: Hello...

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