Changing room.
Arnav: Miss Sooryavanshi are you alright.

Raha: I don't know. I am not fine... i can't breath....
Raha eyes start to close....

Arnav: Heyy...

Raha felt unconscious..
Arnav: Please open your eyes. Nothing will happen to you. I won't let anything happen to you....

Arnav head start to spin.... He held her hand.
Arnav: Baby I won't let anything happen to you. Ra please open your eyes...

The girl was unconscious...

Arnav: I love you. You can't leave me alone... please...

Arnav could hear a boy talking but he couldn't see the girl face in his mind. Everything were vivid.

Arnav knocked on the door.
Arnav: Someone help. Please!

Arnav put Raha on the floor and break the door. He carry Raha out...

Laksh was shock to see his sister unconscious in a stranger ram. He went to them.
Laksh: Di. Di what happen to you.

Arnav look at Laksh.
Arnav: She faint.. are you her brother.

Laksh nodded....
Laksh: Is she alright?

Arnav: Don't worry your sister is strong. Of course she is alright. My house is near... can I take her their as I am a doctor and I can check her.

Laksh: Of course....

Arnav: Okay. Let's go then...

Arnav and laksh left with Raha.... On the parking way they saw Ansh.
Arnav didn't have time to ask him anything as he was worried at Raha.

Arnav: Ansh Rhea is in the mall. Please you bring her home. It's an emergency...

Ansh nodded and left.

Arnav put Raha in the car.. and laksh also got inside.... They drive to Oberoi mansion. It was just 5 minutes driving.

Oberoi mansion.
Living room.
Shivaay, Anika, Rudra, Om, Bhavya, Gauri and ragini were sitting in the living room with siya...

Siya look at her daughter..
siya: Ragini don't you think it's time for you to get married.

Shivaay look at her mother...
Shivaay: Maa what are you saying... Ragini is still young. She got her whole life ahead of her...

Siya: Shivaay please. Ragini do you love someone or have someone in mind.

Ragini thought about Laksh and smile.

Ragini: Mom....

Om: Maa Shivaay is right. Ragini is young. Let her finish her education and get a work so she can be dependent.

Siya: Ragini.. do you want to get married.

Ragini look at her brothers. They were all glaring at her... she gulp.

Ragini: No mumma... it's too soon..

Siya: Okay.
Siya smile.

Siya: And you three stop acting like overprotective brother. I was asking ragini not you three.

They heard the door open and they saw Arnav come in carrying a girl....

Ragini was surprise to see laksh. Shivaay was shock to see Raha unconscious. He immediately stand up.

Shivaay: RAHA... Arnav what happen to her..

Arnav: Let's go on my room. I don't have time.

They nodded and they all follow her.
Arnav lay Raha on his bed....

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